[aur-general] AUR Account was Suspended

hr567 at hr567.me hr567 at hr567.me
Fri Feb 18 17:58:30 UTC 2022

I was trying to submit a package (apifox) to AUR some time ago when I found
that my AUR account was suspended. I haven't logged into my AUR account for
a long time, and I don't know why my account was suspended. I have been
using Archlinux for many years and have never sent any harassing comments. I
hope my account will be resumed or tell me the reason why the account was
suspended. If I have acted inappropriately in the past that led to my
account being suspended, I will take care of my behavior in the future.
Thank you very much.

I also found it difficult to find information about account suspensions on
the web. It takes many keyword searches to find very little relevant content
in the forums. It might be possible to add a description of account
suspension to the AUR Wiki.

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