[aur-requests] [PRQ#6085] Deletion Request for firefox-extension-adblock-plus

Eli Schwartz eschwartz93 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 02:58:04 UTC 2016

On 08/06/2016 09:40 AM, Rafael Soares wrote:
> There are too many packages that are almost the same as the ones 
> available in [Community] and won't be deleted (eg. syncthing-bin)

Well, except that there is a difference between an AUR package that
offers different features than the community package, and an AUR package
that merely fixes a bug in the community package. One is allowed, the
other isn't.

I fear you are deliberately misunderstanding, though, so I shan't bother
to argue further.


In case anyone else cares, the bug has now been fixed in the community
package, so this is now quite literally the same, as in "the same" same
a.k.a "identical". ;)
So further mendacious quibbling over "almost the same", while
potentially interesting in the general case, is entirely redundant in
this specific case, and therefore I don't really care what silly
arguments people bring for not enforcing the rules.

Eli Schwartz

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