[aur-requests] [PRQ#5706] Request Accepted

Muflone webreg at vbsimple.net
Mon Jun 27 10:12:31 UTC 2016

> Hello,
> I am the (now former) maintainer of the imgcat package in AUR.

Hi Kevin

> The package was deleted because it was “Mac-only” software. This is not true.
> imgcat is a shell script that allows images to be displayed in a terminal
 > window. (xterm also has this functionality, though I don’t think
> imgcat’soutput escape sequences are compatible.)
> It’s true, it currently only works with iTerm2, which is Mac software.

I was unable to use imgcat with both xterm, tilda and gnome-terminal 
emulators. I'm pretty sure that is doesn't work with any GNU/Linux 
terminal emulator.

Such software, which only scope is to be used from a Mac only software 
shouldn't have a place in the AUR, which is specific to the Arch Linux 

Samba, ntfs-3g, hfstools and similar softwares are to be used from any 
GNU/Linux to achieve a goal which is directly related to the Arch Linux.
IMHO imgcat doesn't fall in this category.


Fabio Castelli aka Muflone

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