[aur-requests] Package deletion

Kristian (whoseos) kristian at mailbox.org
Thu Feb 23 02:19:55 UTC 2017


I did my first ever AUR submission today with 7 packages and hit an
already existing, non-empty repository that had no public package in the
AUR (404 page on aur.archlinux.org):
I searched the AUR before I created the packages and didn't find this
package, so I was surprised by the push-rejection and had already pushed
the first 6 packages.

I changed the name of the conflicting package and repository, but
because the 7 packages all belong together I renamed all of them to
remain consistent, making 6 packages obsolete :/

Could you please delete the following 6 packages, all owned by me (whoseos):

- nvidia-libgl-vulkan-beta
- nvidia-utils-vulkan-beta
- opencl-nvidia-vulkan-beta
- lib32-nvidia-libgl-vulkan-beta
- lib32-nvidia-utils-vulkan-beta
- lib32-opencl-nvidia-vulkan-beta

Many thanks,
Kristian (whoseos)

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