[aur-requests] [PRQ#10466] Orphan Request for neomutt-git

Alad Wenter alad at mailbox.org
Sat Feb 3 08:39:28 UTC 2018

On Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 07:46:42AM +0000, notify at aur.archlinux.org wrote:
> gemaputr [1] filed a orphan request for neomutt-git [2]:
> Hi, can another TU look at this? Alad is abusing his TU status to
> bully other users. History is preserved in the comments. Thanks.
The reasons are exactly described in the orphan request acceptance. I
really don't mind if someone else maintains the package - but proper
procedure should be followed, and here you got maintainership after 1
day without leaving anyone time to respond. (I realize there was a
comment by a different user about a broken build a few weeks back, but
I've only had time to pick back up package maintenance since a few days)

Now as pointed out in the orphan request, that maintainership should
have been transferred to the comaintainer to begin with, or at the least
have been removed by the original maintainer _prior_ to orphaning the
package, with a clear message, neither of which happened here.


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