[aur-requests] Request to delete python-pynvim

Frederick Zhang frederick888 at tsundere.moe
Tue Sep 3 03:21:48 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I would like to delete the AUR package python-pynvim that I'm currently
maintaining. It was previously disowned by solnce and I later adopted
the package and added the Python 2 version. However, as pointed out by
alexf91 in the [comments][1], the Python 3 version of the package
actually had already landed in community repository with a different
name, i.e. python-neovim.

Since the Python 2 version actually has got little use especially in
Arch, it'd be nice if you could help me delete the whole package base.
Thanks a lot.

[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/python-pynvim/#comment-706366

Best Regards,
Frederick Zhang

Email:      frederick888 at tsundere.moe

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