[aur-requests] Why were my makepkg forks deleted?

Hunter Wittenborn hunter at hunterwittenborn.com
Sun Aug 1 20:23:04 UTC 2021

As of this morning, it looks like the following packages I'm maintaining were deleted:

- makedeb-makepkg
- makedeb-makepkg-beta
- makedeb-makepkg-alpha

The reasoning for deletion for all three was as follows:

"this package replace pacman with a empty file"

This can be seen in the sources for the PKGBUILDs [1], but this was just a packaging mistake that was left over from the Debian releases of makepkg [2, 3] that I'm packaging (where pacman wouldn't normally be present).

These appear to have been deleted in less than 24 hours of the deletion request going through, without me even having a chance to be able to fix anything.

Is it OK if I republish the packages? I can fix the issue, but I'm not really sure what I did wrong in the first place that even deemed a deletion that quickly.

[1]: https://github.com/makedeb/makepkg/tree/alpha/PKGBUILDs/AUR
[2]: https://github.com/makedeb/makepkg/tree/alpha/PKGBUILDs/MPR
[3]: https://github.com/makedeb/makepkg/tree/alpha/PKGBUILDs/LOCAL

Hunter Wittenborn


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