Ideas for new functionality in pacdiff

John A. Leuenhagen john at
Tue Sep 29 03:11:35 UTC 2020


I recently discovered pacdiff, which has proved to be an simple, 
excellent tool for taking care of pacfiles. There are a couple minor 
improvements I thought of, and would like to hear opinions on them 
before writing a patch.

Currently, before pacdiff asks for the user's choice of action, it will 
compare the original file to the pacfile. If the files are identical, it 
will delete the pacfile. My idea is to perform this check after the user 
views the diff. This way, the user may merge all changes with their 
DIFFPROG, and the pacfile will automatically be deleted when they close 
their editor. If the files still differ, functionality would remain the 
same as it is currently.

The second idea is simply a way to swap the sides that the files appear 
on in DIFFPROG. Personally, I would prefer having the pacfile on the 
right, but it is currently on the left. Having an argument for this 
seems reasonable to me.

These would both be very simple changes, but would make the program a 
lot nicer, for me at least.

John Leuenhagen

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