[pacman-dev] Patch for makepkg bug #5021

Jürgen Hötzel juergen at hoetzel.info
Wed Dec 20 04:22:41 EST 2006

This is getting complicated. I dislike hard-coded path-names. This makes
scripts inflexible and unreadable. Personally i would prefer
moving this to makepkg.conf, like: 

REMOVE_DIRS=(pkg/usr/{share/,}{info,doc} pkg/opt/gnome/{foo/,}info)

and just do:

rm -rf ${REMOVE_DIRS[@]}


On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 01:55:44AM -0500, Dan McGee wrote:
> This is a _preliminary_ patch for bug 5021. It should do everything
> the original code does plus some. A few comments:
> 1. I have very little familiarity with info or doc files, and the find
> operation could be tightened up by adding an extension if they are
> always packaged this way (e.g. .info).
> 2. Is there ever a time where a folder would exist with the doc or
> info name and it shouldn't be deleted? Obviously these find operations
> will do that, so I would want to make sure this is the case. Good
> naming of directories would lead me to believe it shouldn't happen,
> but who knows...
> If anyone knows a good package to test this behavior on, let me know.
> I haven't yet ran it on a lot of packages. I tried running it on the
> gnubiff package listed in the bug report but got a linking error (with
> both the version in the PKGBUILD and the updated 2.2.4 version).
> -Dan
> =============
> --- /home/dmcgee/projects/pacman-lib.orig/scripts/makepkg   2006-12-19
> 11:40:51.000000000 -0500
> +++ makepkg 2006-12-20 01:13:56.000000000 -0500
> @@ -774,13 +774,17 @@
>      fi
>  fi
> -if [ ! "`check_option KEEPDOCS`" -a "$KEEPDOCS" = "0" ]; then
> +if [ ! "$(check_option KEEPDOCS)" -a "$KEEPDOCS" = "0" ]; then
>     # remove info/doc files
>     msg "Removing info/doc files..."
>     cd $startdir
> -   rm -rf pkg/usr/info pkg/usr/share/info
> -   rm -rf pkg/usr/doc pkg/usr/share/doc
> -   rm -rf pkg/{usr,opt/gnome}/share/gtk-doc
> +   # fix flyspray bug #5021
> +   find pkg -type f -wholename "pkg/*/info/*" -exec rm -f {} \;
> +   find pkg -type d -wholename "pkg/*/info" -exec rmdir {} \;
> +   find pkg -type f -wholename "pkg/*/doc/*" -exec rm -f {} \;
> +   find pkg -type d -wholename "pkg/*/doc" -exec rmdir {} \;
> +   find pkg -type f -wholename "pkg/*/gtk-doc/*" -exec rm -f {} \;
> +   find pkg -type d -wholename "pkg/*/gtk-doc" -exec rmdir {} \;
>  fi
>  # move /usr/share/man files to /usr/man
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