[pacman-dev] Frugalware changes merged.

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 15:20:18 EDT 2006

I didn't touch any of alpm.i or the doxygen comments at all... so I
have no idea where these changes come from.

On 10/21/06, VMiklos <vmiklos at frugalware.org> wrote:
> 1) in alpm.i:

> 2) the _generated_ manpages are now under version control in /doc/man3.
> i think they should be cvs removed

> 3) in alpm.c:
> 4) in alpm.c, too:

> 5) alpm.h:
> -       PM_ERR_MEMORY = 1,
> +       PM_ERR_MEMORY = 2,
> i think this is just a workaround for the functions returning 1 instead
> of -1 on error. what about reverting this change, since as far as i see
> you've already fixed those problematic functions?

Hmmm, I'd still like to keep this just in case there are dangling 1
returns.  There should be no harm in changing this value at all.
There is nowhere where it should ever be used, and no one should ever
care about these values... I mean, does anyone know the value of

> 6) in alpm/db.c:
>         if(db->path == NULL) {
>                 _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("malloc failed: could not allocate %d bytes"),
> -                               strlen(root)+strlen(dbpath)+strlen(treename)+2);
> +                                 strlen(root)+strlen(dbpath)+strlen(treename)+2);
>                 FREE(db);
>                 RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, NULL);
>         }
> a) when i break a long line to shorter ones, then i indent the !=1st
> ones with 1 tab. vim automatically adds 2 ones. but why chaning the 2
> tabs to 3 ones?

:set cinoptions+=(0
This aligns new lines with an unclosed ( on the previous line.  It is
the way I prefer this.

> b) please use tabs instead of 2 spaces

noet should be set on all source files, inserting tabs instead of
spaces.  If noet is not set, please let me know.

> (there are more than one example for this problem)

Formatting has not been discussed anywhere beyond the modelines in
each file, which vim always respects.  I don't think calling this a
"problem" is correct.

> 7) still in db.c:

> (Judd's provides-related bugfix is still reverted)
Yes I'm aware, I never said it was fixed - I said i was going to do it
when I had the time.

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