[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Gettext support in pacman-optimize

Giovanni Scafora linuxmania at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 13:00:54 EDT 2007

Add gettext support to pacman-optimize.

Signed-off-by: Giovanni Scafora <linuxmania at gmail.com>

diff --git a/scripts/pacman-optimize b/scripts/pacman-optimize
index ca17033..5b5a836 100755
--- a/scripts/pacman-optimize
+++ b/scripts/pacman-optimize
@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
 #   USA.

+# gettext initialization"
+source gettext.sh

 error() {
@@ -34,18 +42,19 @@ source /etc/rc.conf #for USECOLOR
 source /etc/rc.d/functions

 usage() {
-	echo "pacman-optimize $myver"
-	echo "usage: $0 [pacman_db_root]"
+	echo "$(gettext "pacman-optimize %s")" $myver
+	local msg=$0; shift
+	printf "$(gettext "usage: \$msg [pacman_db_root]")" $*
-	echo "pacman-optimize is a little hack that should improve the performance"
-	echo "of pacman when reading/writing to its filesystem-based database."
+	echo "$(gettext "pacman-optimize is a little hack that should
improve the performance")"
+	echo "$(gettext "of pacman when reading/writing to its
filesystem-based database.")"
-	echo "Because pacman uses many small files to keep track of packages,"
-	echo "there is a tendency for these files to become fragmented over time."
-	echo "This script attempts to relocate these small files into one"
-	echo "continuous location on your hard drive.  The result is that the hard"
-	echo "drive should be able to read them faster, since the hard drive head"
-	echo "does not have to move around the disk as much."
+	echo "$(gettext "Because pacman uses many small files to keep track
of packages,")"
+	echo "$(gettext "there is a tendency for these files to become
fragmented over time.")"
+	echo "$(gettext "This script attempts to relocate these small files
into one")"
+	echo "$(gettext "continuous location on your hard drive.  The result
is that the hard")"
+	echo "$(gettext "drive should be able to read them faster, since the
hard drive head")"
+	echo "$(gettext "does not have to move around the disk as much.")"

@@ -71,64 +80,64 @@ fi

 # make sure pacman isn't running
 if [ -f /tmp/pacman.lck ]; then
-	die "Pacman lockfile was found.  Cannot run while pacman is running."
+	die "$(gettext "Pacman lockfile was found.  Cannot run while pacman
is running.")"

 if [ ! -d "$dbroot" ]; then
-	die "$dbroot does not exist or is not a directory"
+	die "$(gettext "%s does not exist or is not a directory")" $dbroot

 if [ ! -w "$dbroot" ]; then
-	die "You must have correct permissions to optimize the database"
+	die "$(gettext "You must have correct permissions to optimize the database")"

 # do not let pacman run while we do this
 touch /tmp/pacman.lck

 # step 1: sum the old db
-stat_busy "Md5sum'ing the old database"
+stat_busy "$(gettext "Md5sum'ing the old database")"
 find $dbroot -type f | sort | xargs md5sum > /tmp/pacsums.old

 # step 2: tar it up
-stat_busy "Tar'ing up $dbroot"
+stat_busy "$(gettext "Tar'ing up %s")" $dbroot
 cd $dbroot
 tar -czf /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz ./
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 	rm -f /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz /tmp/pacsums.old
-	die_r "tar'ing up $dbroot failed"
+	die_r "$(gettext "tar'ing up %s failed")" $dbroot

 # step 3: make and sum the new db
-stat_busy "Making and md5sum'ing the new db"
+stat_busy "$(gettext "Making and md5sum'ing the new db")"
 mkdir $dbroot.new
 tar -zxpf /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz -C $dbroot.new/
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        rm -f /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz /tmp/pacsums.old
        rm -rf "$dbroot.new"
-       die_r "untar'ing $dbroot failed"
+       die_r "$(gettext "untar'ing %s failed")" $dbroot
 find "$dbroot.new" -type f | sort | sed -e 's/pacman.new/pacman/g' |\
 		xargs md5sum > /tmp/pacsums.new

 # step 4: compare the sums
-stat_busy "Checking integrity"
+stat_busy "$(gettext "Checking integrity")"
 diff /tmp/pacsums.old /tmp/pacsums.new >/dev/null 2>&1
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 	# failed
 	# leave /tmp/pacsums.old and .new for checking to see what doesn't match up
 	rm -rf "$dbroot.new" /tmp/pacman.lck /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz
-	die_r "integrity check FAILED, reverting to old database"
+	die_r "$(gettext "integrity check FAILED, reverting to old database")"

 # step 5: remove the new temporary database and the old one
 #         and use the .tgz to replace the old one
-stat_busy "Putting the new database in place"
+stat_busy "$(gettext "Putting the new database in place")"
 rm -rf "$dbroot.new" "$dbroot"/*
 tar -zxpf /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz -C "$dbroot"/
@@ -137,7 +146,7 @@ stat_done
 rm -f /tmp/pacman.lck /tmp/pacsums.old /tmp/pacsums.new /tmp/pacmanDB.tgz

-echo "Finished.  Your pacman database has been optimized."
+echo "$(gettext "Finished.  Your pacman database has been optimized.")"

 exit 0

Giovanni Scafora
Arch Linux Trusted User (voidnull)
linuxmania at gmail.com

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