[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Add remove counterparts to alpm_option_add_* functions

Allan McRae mcrae_allan at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 23 19:50:23 EST 2007

Dan McGee wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2007 6:23 PM, Nagy Gabor <ngaba at bibl.u-szeged.hu> wrote:
>> No. You mustn't free it in add_cachedir, because alpm_list_add just adds
>> a POINTER to the (handle->cachedirs) list. (So you can always think
>> alpm_list as a list of pointers.)
Fixed in attachment.  For some reason I thought there was a strdup in 
the alpm_list_add statement but clearly there wasn't.

> Ok, enough of this junk. Sorry to rain down on the holiday spirit, but
> can we please not be cryptic on this mailing list with cute little
> remarks and smiley faces?
> Something like this would have saved us all 5 minutes of our time.
> "I noticed that newcachedir was not freed in remove_cachedir- as far
> as I can tell, it needs to be freed because we aren't adding it to a
> list and it isn't needed outside of the function."
> -Dan

Fair enough. This is probably the result of me being new to the code 
base and making stupid trivial mistakes. However, point taken.

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