[pacman-dev] CVS update of pacman-lib (9 files)

Juergen Hoetzel juergen at archlinux.org
Thu Feb 1 14:47:40 EST 2007

    Date: Thursday, February 1, 2007 @ 14:47:40
  Author: juergen
    Path: /home/cvs-pacman/pacman-lib

Modified: Makefile.am (1.8 -> 1.9) configure.ac (1.26 -> 1.27)
 Removed: bindings/alpm.i (1.4) bindings/java/.cvsignore (1.1)
          bindings/java/Makefile.in (1.3) bindings/perl/.cvsignore (1.1)
          bindings/perl/Makefile.in (1.3) bindings/python/.cvsignore (1.1)
          bindings/python/Makefile.in (1.4)

* removal of swig generated bindings

 Makefile.am                 |   10 -----
 bindings/alpm.i             |   23 ------------
 bindings/java/.cvsignore    |    5 --
 bindings/java/Makefile.in   |   48 -------------------------
 bindings/perl/.cvsignore    |    5 --
 bindings/perl/Makefile.in   |   42 ----------------------
 bindings/python/.cvsignore  |    6 ---
 bindings/python/Makefile.in |   49 --------------------------
 configure.ac                |   79 ------------------------------------------
 9 files changed, 267 deletions(-)

Index: pacman-lib/Makefile.am
diff -u pacman-lib/Makefile.am:1.8 pacman-lib/Makefile.am:1.9
--- pacman-lib/Makefile.am:1.8	Tue Nov 14 02:58:42 2006
+++ pacman-lib/Makefile.am	Thu Feb  1 14:47:39 2007
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
 SUBDIRS = lib/libalpm src/util src/pacman scripts doc doc/hu etc 
-SUBDIRS += bindings/perl
-SUBDIRS += bindings/python
-SUBDIRS += bindings/java
 	ChangeLog  	\
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/alpm.i
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/alpm.i:1.4 pacman-lib/bindings/alpm.i:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/alpm.i:1.4	Fri Jan 19 04:28:44 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/alpm.i	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(SWIGPERL)
-%module "Alpm::Core"
-%module alpm
-%include "cpointer.i"
-/* Wrap a class interface around a "long *" */
-%pointer_class(long, longp);
-/* Create casting functions */
-%pointer_cast(void *, long *, void_to_long);
-%pointer_cast(void *, char *, void_to_char);
-%pointer_cast(void *, unsigned long, void_to_unsigned_long);
-%pointer_cast(void *, alpm_list_t *, void_to_pmlist);
-%pointer_cast(void *, pmpkg_t *, void_to_pmpkg);
-%pointer_cast(void *, pmgrp_t *, void_to_pmgrp);
-%pointer_cast(void *, pmsyncpkg_t *, void_to_pmsyncpkg);
-%pointer_cast(void *, pmdb_t *, void_to_pmdb);
-%pointer_cast(void *, pmconflict_t *, void_to_pmconflict);
-%include "alpm.h"
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/java/.cvsignore
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/java/.cvsignore:1.1 pacman-lib/bindings/java/.cvsignore:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/java/.cvsignore:1.1	Tue Jan 16 22:40:08 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/java/.cvsignore	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/java/Makefile.in
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/java/Makefile.in:1.3 pacman-lib/bindings/java/Makefile.in:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/java/Makefile.in:1.3	Wed Oct 25 11:40:44 2006
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/java/Makefile.in	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-CFLAGS = $(subst -Werror,, at CFLAGS@) -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/ -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux/
-CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing # see the swig docs
-ifeq ($(shell arch),x86_64)
-LDFLAGS += -L$(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/.libs -lalpm
-all: libalpm_java.so alpm.jar
-libalpm_java.so: alpm_java_wrap.o
-	$(CC) -shared $^ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
-alpm_java_wrap.o: alpm_java_wrap.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ -include alpm.h $^
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/alpm.h ./
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/bindings/alpm.i alpm_java.i
-	swig -java alpm_java.i
-alpm.class: alpm.java
-	javac *.java
-alpm.jar: alpm.class
-	jar -cf alpm.jar *.class
-alpm.java: alpm_java_wrap.c
-install: install-so install-jar
-install-so: libalpm_java.so
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib
-	install $^ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib
-install-jar: alpm.jar
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/java
-	install -m644 $^ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/java
-	rm -f *alpm* *.java *.class
-distclean: clean
-	rm -f Makefile
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/perl/.cvsignore
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/perl/.cvsignore:1.1 pacman-lib/bindings/perl/.cvsignore:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/perl/.cvsignore:1.1	Tue Jan 16 22:40:08 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/perl/.cvsignore	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/perl/Makefile.in
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/perl/Makefile.in:1.3 pacman-lib/bindings/perl/Makefile.in:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/perl/Makefile.in:1.3	Thu Jan 18 11:52:57 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/perl/Makefile.in	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-CFLAGS = $(subst -Werror,, at CFLAGS@)
-CFLAGS += $(shell perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts)
-CFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm
-ifeq ($(shell arch),x86_64)
-LDFLAGS += -L$(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/.libs -lalpm
-LIBDIR += $(shell perl -V|grep site|sed 's/^ *//;s|/usr|$(prefix)|;q')
-all: Core.so
-Core.so: alpm_wrap.o
-	$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
-alpm_wrap.o: alpm_wrap.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ -include alpm.h $^
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/alpm.h ./
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/bindings/alpm.i ./
-	swig -perl alpm.i
-install: install-so install-pm
-install-so: Core.so
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/auto/Alpm/Core
-	install $^ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/auto/Alpm/Core/
-install-pm: Core.pm
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/Alpm/
-	install -m644 $^ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/Alpm/
-	rm -f Core* alpm{.h,.i,_wrap*}
-distclean: clean
-	rm -f Makefile
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/python/.cvsignore
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/python/.cvsignore:1.1 pacman-lib/bindings/python/.cvsignore:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/python/.cvsignore:1.1	Tue Jan 16 22:40:08 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/python/.cvsignore	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Index: pacman-lib/bindings/python/Makefile.in
diff -u pacman-lib/bindings/python/Makefile.in:1.4 pacman-lib/bindings/python/Makefile.in:removed
--- pacman-lib/bindings/python/Makefile.in:1.4	Thu Jan 18 11:52:57 2007
+++ pacman-lib/bindings/python/Makefile.in	Thu Feb  1 14:47:41 2007
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-CFLAGS = $(subst -Werror,, at CFLAGS@)
-CFLAGS += $(shell python -c 'from distutils import sysconfig; print "-I" + sysconfig.get_python_inc()')
-CFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm
-CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing # see the swig docs
-ifeq ($(shell arch),x86_64)
-LDFLAGS += -L$(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/.libs -lalpm
-LIBDIR += $(shell python -c 'from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib()'|sed 's|/usr|$(prefix)|')
-all: _alpm.so alpm.pyc
-_alpm.so: alpm_wrap.o
-	$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
-alpm_wrap.o: alpm_wrap.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ -include alpm.h $^
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/lib/libalpm/alpm.h ./
-	cp $(top_srcdir)/bindings/alpm.i ./
-	swig -python alpm.i
-	# strip the unnecessary prefixes
-	sed -i 's/^alpm_//;s/^PM_//' alpm.py
-alpm.pyc: alpm.py
-	python -c "import compileall; compileall.compile_dir('.',1,'.')"
-alpm.py: alpm_wrap.c
-install: install-so install-py
-install-so: _alpm.so
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
-	install $^ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
-install-py: alpm.py alpm.pyc
-	install -m644 $^ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
-	rm -f _alpm* alpm{.h,.i,.py*,_wrap*}
-distclean: clean
-	rm -f Makefile
Index: pacman-lib/configure.ac
diff -u pacman-lib/configure.ac:1.26 pacman-lib/configure.ac:1.27
--- pacman-lib/configure.ac:1.26	Tue Jan 30 15:37:59 2007
+++ pacman-lib/configure.ac	Thu Feb  1 14:47:39 2007
@@ -207,82 +207,6 @@
-dnl Check for swig binary
-dnl Check for python support
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(if Python bindings should be generated)
-if test x$wantpython = xyes ; then
-    if test $SWIG ; then
-        AC_DEFINE([HAS_PYTHON], [TRUE], [Enabled Python Support])
-	PYTHONSTATUS="yes, path: `which $SWIG`"
-    else
-        AC_DEFINE([HAS_PYTHON], [FALSE], [Disabled Python support])
-	AC_MSG_RESULT(no, swig missing)
-	PYTHONSTATUS="swig binary not found"
-    fi
-    AC_DEFINE([HAS_PYTHON], [FALSE], [Not specified at configure line])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT(not requested by configure)
-    PYTHONSTATUS="no, disabled by configure"
-dnl Check for perl support
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(if Perl bindings should be generated)
-if test x$wantperl = xyes ; then
-    if test $SWIG ; then
-        AC_DEFINE([HAS_PERL], [TRUE], [Enabled Perl Support])
-	PERLSTATUS="yes, path: `which $SWIG`"
-    else
-        AC_DEFINE([HAS_PERL], [FALSE], [Disabled Perl support])
-	AC_MSG_RESULT(no, swig missing)
-	PERLSTATUS="swig binary not found"
-    fi
-    AC_DEFINE([HAS_PERL], [FALSE], [Not specified at configure line])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT(not requested by configure)
-    PERLSTATUS="no, disabled by configure"
-dnl Check for java support
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(if Java bindings should be generated)
-if test x$wantjava = xyes ; then
- 	AC_CHECK_PROGS([JAVAC], [javac])
- 	if test $JAVAC ; then
- 		if test $SWIG ; then
- 			AC_DEFINE([HAS_JAVA], [TRUE], [Enabled Java Support (javac=ok swig=ok)])
- 			AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
- 			JAVASTATUS="yes, path: `which $JAVAC`"
- 		else
- 			AC_DEFINE([HAS_JAVA], [FALSE], [Java support disabled because swig not found (javac=ok swig=missing)])
- 			AC_MSG_RESULT(no, swig not found and that is need for java)
- 			JAVASTATUS="java compiler found, swig not found"
- 		fi
- 	else
- 		if test $SWIG ; then
- 			AC_DEFINE([HAS_JAVA], [FALSE], [Disabled Java support (javac=missing swig=ok])
- 			AC_MSG_RESULT(no, javac missing, swig ok)
- 			JAVASTATUS="java compiler not found, swig found"
- 		else
- 			AC_DEFINE([HAS_JAVA], [FALSE], [Disabled Java support (javac=missing swig=missing])
- 			AC_MSG_RESULT(no, javac missing, swig missing)
- 			JAVASTATUS="java compiler not found, swig not found"
- 		fi
- 	fi
-    AC_DEFINE([HAS_JAVA], [FALSE], [Not specified at configure line])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT(not requested by configure)
-    JAVASTATUS="no, disabled by configure"
 dnl Check for math
 AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [sqrt], [AC_CHECK_HEADER([math.h], [LIBM='-lm'])])
 if test -z "$LIBM"; then
@@ -375,9 +299,6 @@
     Doxygen support          : ${DOXYSTATUS}
     Manpage localization     : ${POSTATUS}
-    Perl bindings            : ${PERLSTATUS}
-    Python bindings          : ${PYTHONSTATUS}
-    Java bindings            : ${JAVASTATUS}
     debug support            : ${debug}

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