[pacman-dev] different behavior for replaces/conflicts
Andreas Radke
a.radke at arcor.de
Tue Feb 13 04:04:44 EST 2007
i've made a dvbcut-svn pkg that has
pacman (2) can handle this well but pacman3 fails:
[root at workstation64 andyrtr]# pacman3
-U /home/daten/arch64/packages/testing/dvbcut-svn-20070213-1.pkg.tar.gz
Lade Paketdaten ... beendet. Prüfe Abhängigkeiten ...
:: dvbcut-svn steht im Konflikt mit dvbcut. dvbcut entfernen? [J/n] j
cleaning up... beendet.
(1/1) checking for file conflicts
100% error: Konnte Durchführung nicht vorbereiten (conflicting files)
dvbcut-svn: /usr/bin/dvbcut exists in filesystem
Fehler aufgetreten, kein Paket wird aktualisiert.
[root at workstation64 andyrtr]# pacman
-U /home/daten/arch64/packages/testing/dvbcut-svn-20070213-1.pkg.tar.gz
loading package data... done. :: dvbcut-svn conflicts with dvbcut.
Remove dvbcut? [Y/n] y removing dvbcut... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
installing dvbcut-svn... done.
>>> dvbcut can give you a video preview.
>>> just install mplayer to have this further
>>> feature. pure cutting won´t need it.
[root at workstation64 andyrtr]#
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