[pacman-dev] different behavior for replaces/conflicts

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 11:22:22 EST 2007

On 2/13/07, Andreas Radke <a.radke at arcor.de> wrote:
> i've made a dvbcut-svn pkg that has
> conflicts=('dvbcut')
> replaces=('dvbcut')

The problem with this is that -U doesn't handle replaces as it should.
 This behavior is in pacman 2 as well, and it is actually a fairly
complex fix.  If you add dvbcut-svn to a custom repo, then -S it, it
will work fine.

You can see this issue on my TODO list.  The thing is, considering
it's the same behavior as pacman 2, it's not really a "bug", and I
don't think we should hold up releasing pacman 3 just to fix this.

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