[pacman-dev] difficult symlink "puzzle"

Andrew Fyfe andrew at neptune-one.net
Tue Jul 3 16:52:12 EDT 2007

Ok how about this (see the attached code snippet).

_alpm_add_commit() is a BIG function, the code attached only shows the 
for loop for extracting the files and I've cut out the code for checking 

I've used the behaviour for dpkg as a bases for what we should do...

     *                   Install non-dir   Install symlink   Install dir
     *  Exists not               X               X                X
     *  File/node/symlink       LXR             LXR              BXR
     *  Directory               BXR              -                -
     *    X: extract file/node/link/directory
     *   LX: atomic overwrite leaving backup
     *    B: ordinary backup
     *    R: later remove from other packages' lists
     *    -: do nothing

Before I try splicing this into _alpm_add_commit() does this look right? 
Does it cover all the bases?

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