[pacman-dev] how should pacman choose? flags? groups? ...

ngaba at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu ngaba at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu
Thu Jul 12 15:25:29 EDT 2007

> It looks like handling these cases would add a lot of complexity, while it
> doesn't seem to involve a lot of work from the user.
> For example in this case, just do pacman -S nvidia-beyond first.
Of course, you are right, but this is a simple example; and user 
doesn't (and of course he can't) get any warning message or anything 
which he should know from that something is "not optimal" here... And 
in my "dream" packaging scheme (as I described) this is a common case 
(and the user shouldn't know much about -alsa, -oss and provisions at 
all ;-)
Bye, ngaba

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