[pacman-dev] makepkg3 improvements (for pacman-3.1)
Andrew Fyfe
andrew at neptune-one.net
Sat Mar 24 02:58:26 EDT 2007
Andrew Fyfe wrote:
> makepkg2's use of fakeroot was a bit hackish, it's now very hackish in
> makepkg3. It also kicks up a few strange bugs (flyspray #6208) because
> it's being used where it shouldn't be. So I've rewritten/reordered
> makepkg to reduce the amount of time spent in fakeroot. Specificly it's
> now only used for...
> fake_install() (if it exists. See below)
> build() (if there's no fake_install)
> tidy_install()
> - remove docs
> - move/compress man pages
> - strip binaries/libraries
> - remove libtool files
> - remove empty directories
> create_package()
> - create .PKGINFO & .FILELIST
> - tar it all up
> everything else is run outside of fakeroot.
Attached are 6 patches to clean up fakeroot. I've split them up into
separate patches to make it's easier to read. It's mostly white space
and moving code from one end of the script to the other.
Patches 1-4 reorder and clean up makepkg in preperation for the cleaner
method of running fakeroot.
Patch 5 is the new fakeroot implementation.
Patch 6 is the fake_install implementation.
See the top of each patch for a more detailed outline of the changes.
Apply the patches in this order...
[1] pacman-cvs-chksums.patch
[2] pacman-cvs-create_package.patch
[3] pacman-cvs-tidy_install.patch
[4] pacman-cvs-run_build.patch
[5] pacman-cvs-fakeroot.patch
[6] pacman-cvs-fake_install.patch
When I get the chance I'll make patches for the other features/fixes
I've added to makepkg.
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