[pacman-dev] [patch] makepkg3 -- Reduced fakeroot usage (take 2)

Andrew Fyfe andrew at neptune-one.net
Tue Mar 27 21:41:32 EDT 2007

The last set of patches were made late at night and contain several
bugs. So I've redone them.

I've split the patches up a bit more as well to make the changes 
clearer. The *-move.patch files just
move large chunks into functions, the *-cleanup.patch files remove the
fakeroot code. The number at the beginning denotes what order the
patches should be applied in.

I've tested these patches out against my base repo and all works as 
expected. It should fix all the fakeroot problems people are having, how 
ever I've never encountered the problem described on FS#6208.


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Name: 09-fake_install.patch
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