[pacman-dev] sourcing /etc/profile and set -e bug in makepkg

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Mon Aug 11 12:41:27 EDT 2008

Xavier wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> So, despite me assuring Dan that nothing could possibly go wrong, the commit
>> to source /etc/profile rather than individual files in /etc/profile.d
>> (http://projects.archlinux.org/?p=pacman.git;a=commitdiff;h=0e0a8461) has
>> caused a problem.  See FS#11179 (http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/11179) for
>> more details.
>> Xavier and I are stuck as to what is actually causing this problem.  The
>> guilty script being sourced is /etc/bash_completion.d/modules and
>> specifically the "type modules" statement at the top.  What we don't
>> understand is that this file is being sourced under both methods and why it
>> is causing problems only with one.  Even more confusing, the way it gets
>> sourced in /etc/profile is essentially the way makepkg used to do it (loop
>> over /etc/profile.d/* files).
>> A work-around is to add "set +e" and "set -e" on either side of the "source
>> /etc/profile" call.  That is probably a good idea anyway as that sourcing
>> should probably not inherit the "-e" property.  But can anyone explain why
>> we now need this?
>> Very confused,
>> Allan
> Ahah, I was also confused, and desperate of figuring it out, but I
> finally did :)
> The reason is the /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh script
> It checks for the existence of $PS1, apparently for guessing if the
> shell is interactive or not.
> Isn't this a broken assumption?
> Because when the new makepkg 3.2.0 sources /etc/profile, then PS1 is
> defined there. Though it was not an interactive shell.
> On the other hand, when we have another script, like the old makepkg (
> <= 3.1), which sources /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh directly,
> then PS1 is not defined, and /etc/bash_completion is not sourced. So
> we could not detect the breakage caused by
> /etc/bash_completion.d/modules before.
> Here are the information I found about how to detect an interactive shell :
> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/faq/part5/section-5.html
> This indeed mention checking $PS1 but also says checking $- is better.
> And that would work indeed.
> But this info is very old, and the following one looks much more recent :
> http://defindit.com/readme_files/bash_examples.html
> "Using shopt -q login_shell seems to be the modern and reliable way to
> detect interactive shell sessions."
> So if we fix the detection of interactive shell in
> /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh , then we don't have to edit
> anything in makepkg.
> It will still source /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh but will stop
> here and not source /etc/bash_completion

Wow,  I am very, very impressed that you found this!  It does seem 
bash-completion is broken but it does not appear to be developed 
upstream any longer.  I wonder if there is a replacement project somewhere?

Despite locating the actual cause, I am still in favour of including the 
work-around in makepkg for robustness. Even though it was not makepkg's 
fault, it should not fail without any obvious cause like it currently is.


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