[pacman-dev] [PATCH] makepkg: add packages to pkgdeps list only after successful install

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Wed Jul 23 09:12:37 EDT 2008

Allan McRae wrote:
> This fixed FS#9403.  With this you can use "makepkg -sr", install the
> dependencies, Ctrl+c during the makedepends installation and have
> makepkg remove the installed packages on the exit.  Previously makepkg
> tried to also remove the makedepends which were not installed.
> The deplist="" line in remove_deps is due to an obscure bug where local
> varaibles from the handle_deps function seem stay in scope because we
> never formally exited it.

I'll find fixes for easier bugs while you guy work on the hard ones :)

FYI - The now working example from the bug report:

 > ./makepkg -sr
==> Making package: mail-notification 5.0-1 i686 (Wed Jul 23 23:06:23 
EST 2008)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...

==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets: eel-2.22.2-1  postgresql-libs-8.3.3-1  libmysqlclient-5.0.60-1 
         cyrus-sasl-plugins-2.1.22-7  gmime-2.2.21-1 

Total Download Size:    0.00 MB
Total Installed Size:   10.37 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
checking package integrity...
(5/5) checking for file conflicts                   
[#####################] 100%
(1/5) installing eel                                
[#####################] 100%
(2/5) installing postgresql-libs                    
[#####################] 100%
(3/5) installing libmysqlclient                     
[#####################] 100%
(4/5) installing cyrus-sasl-plugins                 
[#####################] 100%
(5/5) installing gmime                              
[#####################] 100%
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
eel cyrus-sasl-plugins gmime
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets: gob2-2.0.15-1  gtkhtml-3.18.3-1  pilot-link-0.12.3-1 
         gnome-pilot-2.0.16-1  evolution-  rarian-0.8.0-1 

Total Download Size:    59.50 MB
Total Installed Size:   104.83 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n] ^C

==> ERROR: Aborted by user! Exiting...
==> Removing installed dependencies...
loading package data...
checking dependencies...

Targets: gmime  cyrus-sasl-plugins  eel  postgresql-libs  libmysqlclient 

Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]

(1/5) removing gmime                                
[#####################] 100%
(2/5) removing cyrus-sasl-plugins                   
[#####################] 100%
(3/5) removing eel                                  
[#####################] 100%
(4/5) removing postgresql-libs                      
[#####################] 100%
(5/5) removing libmysqlclient                       
[#####################] 100%

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