[pacman-dev] makepkg -b is wrong

Karolina Lindqvist karolina.lindqvist at kramnet.se
Tue May 6 22:43:57 EDT 2008

fredagen den 2 maj 2008 skrev Xavier:

> I don't think they have to coexist.
> I used -s a billion times (well, every single time makepkg complained
> about missing deps), and I didn't use -b once. And I would think I am
> not alone in that case.

I have used -b a million times. If you want to build a single package, with 
all dependencies, from source, you need it. Co-existence of -s and -b would 
make it much more useful. Actually, I used such a version when:

shakti:~$ find /server/srv/ftp/archi586/ -name '*-i586.pkg.tar.gz' | wc
   2587    2587  173147

I did not build all those packages by hand, but with the help of makepkg -b 
and makeworld. Both very useful, and both custom patched.

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