[pacman-dev] [PATCH] A variety of small changes

Roman Kyrylych roman.kyrylych at gmail.com
Mon May 19 15:27:43 EDT 2008

2008/5/19 Allan McRae <mcrae_allan at hotmail.com>:
> Xavier wrote:
>> But I think the current behavior is fine, just print an error in any cases.
>> Are there really situations where you only want to generate md5sums,
>> but not build the package or simply fix the pkgbuild so that others
>> can build it?
> When using the geninteg flag, it is not a error condition for the
> operation being run so it should continue.  It is an edge case but I am
> sure I saw someone else suggest this as well so that is my justification
> of usefulness... Found it:
> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Romashka#Pacman

whoa! someone reads my ancient outdated never-done todos 8-)

Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

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