[pacman-dev] Downgradability...sort of....

Nagy Gabor ngaba at bibl.u-szeged.hu
Fri Nov 7 07:22:55 EST 2008

> Hi all,
> Im trying to add some downgradability magic into pacman .Being quite
> new to pacman code, i need your help  to identify the possible
> pitfalls of my approach before trying something.
> What i plan to do is..
> In libalpm/remove.c  unlink_file()  [ I guess remove.c is the only
> place where we are removing files ]
> replace all unlink(), rename() etc with  copyandunlink , copyandrename
> etc which will copy the file first into an archive file
> package-backup.tgs in cache,then do unlink or rename. Then finally
> include  all the necessary .INSTALL ,PKGINFO ,.CHANGELOG etc and clean
> up.
> So even if i do a -Scc i will have a backup of what was installed on
> my system and can roll back to the previous state.

I suggest you implementing FS#8585 ;-)

> And can sombody please point me to some documentation for libarchive
> apart from the manpages...

and README file in git tree.


SZTE Egyetemi Konyvtar - http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu
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