[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Provides a MAN_DIRS variable much like DOC/STRIP_DIRS. I need that for a package that install manpages in a non-standard place (/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC/man/...).

Tiago Pierezan Camargo tcamargo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 12:13:39 EDT 2008

Replying to myself..

Tiago Pierezan Camargo escreveu:
 > Shoud I change my patch to use zipdoc/docdirs as Xavier suggested?
 > It's trivial, so I just need an ok from other devs. :)

What's in this patch?
1) Improved description (Allan's suggestion)
2) Renamed zipman to zipdoc (Xavier/Dan's suggestion)

The zipman option is still supported. I just changed all references to 
zipdoc and put a small reminder to remove it later. The docdirs change 
isn't needed with the new MAN_DIR variable (if I got Dan's comment right).

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Tiago Pierezan Camargo
milopi @ irc.freenode.net
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