[pacman-dev] Po files for pacman and libalpm in Brazilian Portuguese

Rodrigo Flores flores at archlinux-br.org
Sat Aug 1 15:37:10 EDT 2009


I'm sending attached to this e-mail a tar.bz2 file with the translations in
Brazilian Portuguese for both pacman and libalpm. Can someone please commit
it for me ?

Thanks in advance


"A critical section of code is like a bathroom. Only one person is allowed
inside at once.

Iker Gondra, Operating Systems
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS"

Rodrigo L. M. Flores
Computer Science Student - IME - USP
Homepage (en): http://www.rodrigoflores.org
Blog (pt-BR): http://blog.rodrigoflores.org
Linux User # : 351304
Jabber: im at rodrigoflores.org
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Name: pt-BR-translations.tar.bz2
Type: application/x-bzip2
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URL: <http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/attachments/20090801/23847ac6/attachment.bin>

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