[pacman-dev] [PATCH 3/4] repo-add : remove the need of realpath for REPO_DB_FILE

Xavier shiningxc at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 02:51:47 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Dan McGee <dpmcgee at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Xavier Chantry <shiningxc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> REPO_DB_FILE does not need to be an absolute path anymore so no need to
>> call realpath.
>> Signed-off-by: Xavier Chantry <shiningxc at gmail.com>
>> ---
>>  scripts/repo-add.sh.in |   31 +++++++++++++++----------------
>>  1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
>> -               bsdtar -c${TAR_OPT}f "$REPO_DB_FILE" *
>> +       pushd "$gstmpdir" 2>&1 >/dev/null
>> +       if [ -n "$(ls)" ]; then
>> +               bsdtar -c${TAR_OPT}f "$filename" *
>>        else
>> -               # we should only end up with an empty db after a remove of the last package in the database
>>                error "$(gettext "All packages have been removed from the database. Deleting '%s'.")" "$REPO_DB_FILE"
>> -               rm "$REPO_DB_FILE"
> Huh? Why'd this get killed, or am I missing something?

I really cannot blame you for it, I knew this message would be
confusing, but I was not sure how to change it. Because the result is
still the same.
In this case, "$filename" was not created, but "$REPO_DB_FILE" exists.
So the first line below will move the $repodb to $repodb.old
But $filename wont be moved to $repodb. As a result the database has
been deleted (at least moved to .old)

>>        fi
>> -
>>        popd 2>&1 >/dev/null
>> +
>> +       [ -f "$REPO_DB_FILE" ] && mv -f "$REPO_DB_FILE" "${REPO_DB_FILE}.old"
>> +       [ -f "$gstmpdir/$filename" ] && mv "$gstmpdir/$filename" "$REPO_DB_FILE"
>>  else
>>        msg "$(gettext "No packages modified, nothing to do.")"
>>  fi
>> --

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