[pacman-dev] sudo usage in makepkg - Was: makepkg security

Dan McGee dpmcgee at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 20:31:12 EDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Allan McRae<allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
> Loui Chang wrote:
>> On Fri 10 Jul 2009 17:25 +0200, Thomas Bächler wrote:
>>> The original complaint was that when using makepkg -sic, the sudo
>>> password is cached after dependency installation and malicious sudo
>>> commands might be executed during build() as the password is cached.
>>> My opinion on this is that we should not encourage people to use
>>> sudo, Aaron suggested to move it here for further discussion. What do
>>> you think?
>> Actually I think syncdeps and install should be removed from makepkg,
>> just as builddeps was. Then sudo can be completely removed from makepkg.
>> People may complain though.
> And I would be one of them as removing syncdeps would make building in a
> clean chroot an absolute pain in the arse.
> Anyway, as far as removing sudo usage goes...  I haven't thought much about
> this, but my initial opinion is that people who are concerned about sudo can
> set it up they way they like.  e.g. no password caching and use of root
> password, which would make sudo essentially an alias for "su -c".
> So I really think this is a non issue.  If someone does not like sudo, do
> not install it and use "pacman -S --asdep" yourself to install the needed
> deps.  Makepkg gives you the option, but no-one is forcing you to use it.
> I would consider a patch that allows the user to configure whether they use
> "sudo" or "su -c".

I don't use the option much myself, but yeah, I think removing it
would be a bit rough for some.

I would also take a patch for the manpage offering some more stern
words about what using these options can mean.

Keep in mind we've done a few things with sudo and makepkg in the past
(in reverse chrono order):



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