[pacman-dev] [PATCH] scripts: replace test builtin [ with shell keywords [[ and ((

Cedric Staniewski cedric at gmx.ca
Fri Nov 6 15:01:04 EST 2009

Forgot to point out that the 'type -p anything' tests might not work as intended.

> -		if [ ! "$(type -p xdelta3)" ]; then
> +		if ! type xdelta3 &>/dev/null; then

$ type asdf
bash: type: asdf: not found
$ type -p asdf; echo $?
$ touch ~/bin/asdf; chmod +x ~/bin/asdf
$ type asdf
asdf is /home/makepkg/bin/asdf
$ type -p asdf; echo $?
$ rm ~/bin/asdf
$ asdf() {
> echo 1
> }
$ type asdf
asdf is a function
asdf () 
    echo 1
$ type -p asdf; echo $?

That means you cannot rely on the return code when you want to emulate which.
You have to test the length of the resulting string instead.

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