[pacman-dev] [patch] makepkg: update checksums (was: add checksums and resume)

Xavier shiningxc at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 04:49:29 EDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
> makepkg already does call itself :P
> I obviously need to read the bug report....  but does the awk way get around
> the acrhitecture specific checksum issue?

ahah, I fail ! of course makepkg does that already for the fakeroot stuff..

And yes awk works better. But another limitation of the awk way is
that I cannot update each checksums one by one (because I need to call
an internal makepkg function, generate_checksums, with a parameter,
and I couldn't do that by calling makepkg).

By the way, the issue with sed is not exactly the architecture
specific stuff, I mean it is just a side-effect of it.
It is just that the proposed sed command fails when writing several
md5sums line in a non-standard way (e.g. using carch=... &&
I still did not figure out why sed removed more than what it should in
these cases, and which pattern exactly triggers the bug

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