[pacman-dev] Why not using the bash getopts buildin? Was: Removing deltas from repos

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Thu Sep 17 05:10:36 EDT 2009

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 18:58:07 +1000
Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:

> Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
> > Hmm this was about makepkg right? 
> > makepkg --help | grep '-' | wc -l
> > 24
> >
> > lowercase + uppercase gives you 52 options.
> >   
> Right...    We have these options without short version (e.g.)
> --source --allsource --asroot .  Now -r -R -A -s are already used.
> What would you choose?    the are 52 options but I doubt z,y,x...
> will ever make sense.
> Anyway, this is not being changed.  If you can provide a single case 
> where the old implementation parses options differently than the
> current bash implementation, I will be surprised and reward you with
> a cookie before fixing it.
> This was discussed to death ages ago.  Go back and read about it.
> Allan

This has nothing to do with the new implementation behaving differently from the old one or not.
I just raised my concerns (without even being familiar with makepkg source code) and you gave some good counterarguments.
I'm fine with that.  Sometimes I raise some points, not because I'm convinced they are the way to go, but because it can be interesting for everyone.

However, I would like one of those cookies.


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