[pacman-dev] [PATCH] makepkg: tidy usage output

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Mon Sep 21 00:54:02 EDT 2009

Various tidying to the usage output
 - change "--config <config>" to "--config <file>" to prevent wrapping in a 80 character wide terminal
 - re-alphabetise options, including moving all long only opts to the end
 - use same indentation for additional pacman options
 - remove useless comment

Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
 scripts/makepkg.sh.in |   19 +++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
index ac6db80..2941a5d 100644
--- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
@@ -1427,31 +1427,30 @@ usage() {
 	printf "$(gettext "  -A, --ignorearch Ignore incomplete arch field in %s")\n" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -c, --clean      Clean up work files after build")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -C, --cleancache Clean up source files from the cache")"
-	printf "$(gettext "  --config <config> Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')")\n" "$confdir/makepkg.conf"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -d, --nodeps     Skip all dependency checks")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -e, --noextract  Do not extract source files (use existing src/ dir)")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -f, --force      Overwrite existing package")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -g, --geninteg   Generate integrity checks for source files")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --skipinteg  Do not fail when integrity checks are missing")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -h, --help       This help")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -i, --install    Install package after successful build")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -L, --log        Log package build process")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -m, --nocolor    Disable colorized output messages")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -o, --nobuild    Download and extract files only")"
-	printf "$(gettext "  -p <buildscript> Use an alternate build script (instead of '%s')")\n" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
+	printf "$(gettext "  -p <file>        Use an alternate build script (instead of '%s')")\n" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -r, --rmdeps     Remove installed dependencies after a successful build")"
-	# fix flyspray feature request #2978
 	echo "$(gettext "  -R, --repackage  Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -s, --syncdeps   Install missing dependencies with pacman")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --allsource  Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded sources")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --asroot     Allow makepkg to run as root user")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --holdver    Prevent automatic version bumping for development PKGBUILDs")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --source     Generate a source-only tarball without downloaded sources")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --allsource      Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded sources")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --asroot         Allow makepkg to run as root user")"
+	printf "$(gettext "  --config <file>  Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')")\n" "$confdir/makepkg.conf"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --holdver        Prevent automatic version bumping for development PKGBUILDs")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --skipinteg      Do not fail when integrity checks are missing")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --source         Generate a source-only tarball without downloaded sources")"
 	echo "$(gettext "These options can be passed to pacman:")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --noconfirm      Do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies")"
-	echo "$(gettext "      --noprogressbar  Do not show a progress bar when downloading files")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --noconfirm      Do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --noprogressbar  Do not show a progress bar when downloading files")"
 	printf "$(gettext "If -p is not specified, makepkg will look for '%s'")\n" "$BUILDSCRIPT"

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