[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Some options were refactored

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Fri Sep 25 02:09:01 EDT 2009

Laszlo Papp wrote:
>     ./src/pacman/pacman.h:
>         - The defines were placed here that are used in the
>         pacman.c source file
>     ./src/pacman/pacman.c
>         - Long options were refactored because of a safer and more
>         comfortable programming style, instead of hard coding
>         10-15 or more integer value into the code
> Signed-off-by: Laszlo Papp <djszapi at archlinux.us>
> ---
>  src/pacman/pacman.c |   56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
>  src/pacman/pacman.h |   16 ++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
> <snip>
> +#define NOCONFIRM_OPTID 			1000
> +#define CONFIG_OPTID    			1001
> +#define IGNORE_OPTID    			1002
> +#define DEBUG_OPTID     			1003
> +#define NOPROGRESSBAR_OPTID 	1004
> +#define NOSCRIPTLET_OPTID   	1005
> +#define ASK_OPTID 						1006
> +#define CACHEDIR_OPTID 				1007
> +#define ASDEPS_OPTID 					1008
> +#define LOGFILE_OPTID 				1009
> +#define IGNOREGROUP_OPTID 		1010
> +#define NEEDED_OPTID 					1011
> +#define ASEXPLICIT_OPTID 			1012
> +#define ARCH_OPTID 						1013

This patch seems fine to me.  You probably want to use spaces rather 
than tabs to align those values.  Variable tabs sizes do not matter much 
for start of line code indentation but they do matter in the middle of 

I'm not sure about the variable names.  Would it be better if they all 
started the same?  i.e. OPT_FOO.  That just seems nicer stylistically to me.


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