[pacman-dev] pactree reverse dependancies
Christophe Chapuis
chris.chapuis at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 05:23:17 EDT 2010
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
> On 14/04/10 18:52, Christophe Chapuis wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I just added an option to pactree, in order to look for reversed
>> dependancies of a package instead of the normal dependancies.
> So a tree created from the "Required By" output of pacman -Qi?
The other way around: it looks for packages that depend on the current
package, recursively. It uses the existing functions of the pactree script
for doing that, so the modification is quite minor.
> I already sent
>> a mail to carlocci, who was the initial developper of this script, but as
>> he
>> doesn't answer I wonder if I should contact someone else.
>> So, what should I do with this little patch? Attach it here in the mailing
>> list?
> You can send it here. Inline is preferable to attached as that makes
> commenting easier.
> Allan
Here it comes (output of a simple diff command):
< readonly prog_ver="0.2"
> readonly prog_ver="0.2.1"
> echo " -r, --reversed Show reversed dependancies"
< echo "Example: $prog_name -c -d 2 readline"
> echo "Example: $prog_name -c -d2 readline"
< for dep_pkg in $(_grabfield "$pkg_dir/depends" %DEPENDS%); do
> if [ $reversed_dep -eq 1 ]; then
> reqs_pkg_dir="$(_finddep "$pkg_name" %DEPENDS% depends)"
> unset deps_pkg
> for req_pkg_dir in $reqs_pkg_dir; do
> deps_pkg=$(echo "$deps_pkg" "$(_grabfield "$req_pkg_dir/desc"
> done
> else
> deps_pkg="$(_grabfield "$pkg_dir/depends" %DEPENDS%)"
> fi
> for dep_pkg in $deps_pkg; do
> if [ "${options[$n]}" = "-r" -o "${options[$n]}" = "--reversed" ]; then
> unset options[$n]
> reversed_dep=1
> continue
> fi
> reversed_dep=${reversed_dep:-0}
< echo -e "digraph G { START [color=$start_color, style=filled];\n node
[style=filled, color=$nodes_color];\n$(_main)\n$advert}" | dot -T$gformat -o
"${root_pkgs// /_}.deps.$gformat"
> if [ $reversed_dep -eq 1 ]; then
> file_extension="reqs.$gformat"
> else
> file_extension="deps.$gformat"
> fi
> echo -e "digraph G { START [color=$start_color, style=filled];\n node
[style=filled, color=$nodes_color];\n$(_main)\n$advert}" | dot -T$gformat -o
"${root_pkgs// /_}.$file_extension"
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