[pacman-dev] [PATCH] makepkg: only strip files that are writable

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Jan 26 18:24:59 EST 2010

On 27/01/10 03:56, Xavier Chantry wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Allan McRae<allan at archlinux.org>  wrote:
>> Ah, stupid incompatible implementations of core utilities...  So, changing
>> that find to:
>> find ${STRIP_DIRS[@]} -type f -perm -u+x
>> should work everywhere.
> A bunch of stupid questions :
> - shouldn't it be rw rather than x ?

Brain spasm...  I had actually put -u+w in my updated patch.  The "r" 
does not seem to be needed, not even for the file command.

> - why don't we just let strip handle that ? (i.e. let it fail if it
> doesn't have the permission)

That will return 1 and should set of our error trap (untested...).  It 
also prints an error message in the part of packaging makepkg handles 
which is not good.

> Also if makepkg and that command were run as root, the permissions
> don't seem to matter

I did not realize that.  Looks like I need a root check there...

> - would anyone want to strip everything regardless of their
> permissions (and running strip as root for that reason) ?

I have no idea why libraries/binaries are installed without 644/755 
permissions anyway.  Configuration files I understand...  That said, the 
do get installed that way and so this needs dealt with.


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