[pacman-dev] Patches for review - package signing

Denis A. Altoé Falqueto denisfalqueto at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 16:23:06 EDT 2010


I'm proud to say that I've managed to reach an initial working
implementation for the proposal for package and database signing, as
formalized in the wiki. It works (in my tests, at least). These two
patches are against the gpg branch from Allan's repository. They are
not really in quality level to be merged, but I would appreciate any
help in that direction. There are certainly problems of style, some
bugs may be hidden, but it is a starting point for discussion over
some real implementation.

The commit descriptions are terse on purpose. I didn't worry about the
messages, because the patches are really not finished and there would
be a lot of things to say about the implementation.

If everything builds correctly, a simple way to test it is to do the following:

1. create a key to sign keys (this is not really needed, but is in
accordance to the current proposal)
2. if you don't have a key for yourself, create one
3. sign your key with the key signing key
4. export both keys to a file
5. as root, use the script pacman-key to import the keys to pacman's
keyring with:
  $ sudo pacman-key add file
6. use pacman-key to trust the key signing key with:
  $ sudo pacman-key trust <key id>
  This will take you into the prompt of gpg2, which tells you about
the fingerprint of the selected key and waits for you to type "trust"
and press enter. After that you will need to trust the key ultimately.
This is needed to make your key trusted too and I (as you) think this
is not the ideal solution. Further research will be made to see if I'm
using the wrong parameters in the verification phase. Let's move on
for now.
7. now you need some packages to make a repository from. Your cache is
a good candidate. You should copy them to a test location, so we can
sign them as normal users (as the root user don't have access to your
default keyring).
8. sign the packages with:
  $ for i in *.pkg.tar.*z ; do gpg2 --detach-sign ${i} ; done
9. you can test the makepkg signing too, by having a copy of the
makepkg.conf file and adding sign to the buildenv array.
10. if you want, build a new package with the test makepkg script. You
should see the prompt for the password (if it is not cached from the
last step) and the end result is the package and signature files. Move
them to the repository directory.
11. create the repository with:
  $ repo-add -s <repo-name>.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.*z
12. you can copy the test pacman binary to the repository and su - to
make it more convenient for the next steps
13. create a copy of pacman.conf to add a new repository and enable
the signature on it with:
Server = file:///directory-of-your-repo
VerifSig = Always
  There are three options for VerifSig: Always, Optional and None.
The pacman.conf file should point to a temporary RootDir, DBPath,
CacheDir and LogFile, so you'll not mess up your system.
14. now is the time: pacman -Sy will download the repository database
and check if it is signed and if the signature is trusted.
15. pacman -S <some package> will "download"  and check the signatures
in the process of validating the files. The message for a invalid
signature is not ideal. It is as if the package were corrupted, which
is not necessarily the case.

Well, that's it for now. Any suggestions, questions and critics are
very much appreciated and needed.

PS: I'm resending this email, as the first had problems with the size
of the patch. The patch had some bugs too, which I've corrected now.

A: Because it obfuscates the reading.
Q: Why is top posting so bad?

Denis A. Altoe Falqueto
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