[pacman-dev] [PATCH 6/6] pacman-key: remake of --reload command

Denis A. AltoƩ Falqueto denisfalqueto at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 20:13:13 EDT 2010

The --reload command was refactored to allow a more flexible management.
There are two sets of keys that will be added, one that will be
removed and one that will be kept.

The set of keys to be kept are configured in pacman.conf, with the
option HoldKeys, with the same meaning of HoldPkgs. It can be repeated
and several values can be put in the same entry.

The new behavior allows a key to be marked for removal, but the user
can decide if that key must be kept. For example, if a developer has
a public repository, signed with his own key, that key must be added
to the HoldKeys option. If the key is marked for removal from pacman's
keyring, it will not be removed for the users that have configured
HoldKeys correctly.

There are other minor fixes, mainly in the handling of --add command
when there is no aditional parameter. In that case, pacman-key will
behave just like gpg, adding the contents of stdin into pacman's keyring.

Signed-off-by: Denis A. AltoƩ Falqueto <denisfalqueto at gmail.com>
 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in |  141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
index 7b5fb29..777146a 100644
--- a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
@@ -85,45 +85,120 @@ This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n\
 There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n")"
+find_config() {
+	# Prints on stdin the values of all the options from the configuration file that
+	# are associated with the first parameter of this function.
+	# The option names are stripped
+	grep -e "^[[:blank:]]*$1[[:blank:]]*=.*" "$CONFIG" | cut -d= -f 2-
 reload_keyring() {
 	local PACMAN_SHARE_DIR='@prefix@/share/pacman'
 	local GPG_NOKEYRING="gpg --batch --quiet --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --homedir ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}"
-	# Read-only keyring with keys to be added to the keyring
+	# Variable used for iterating on keyrings
+	local key
+	local key_id
+	# Keyring with keys to be added to the keyring
 	local ADDED_KEYS="${PACMAN_SHARE_DIR}/addedkeys.gpg"
-	# Read-only list of keys removed from the keyring.
+	# Keyring with keys that were deprecated and will eventually be deleted
+	local DEPRECATED_KEYS="${PACMAN_SHARE_DIR}/deprecatedkeys.gpg"
+	# List of keys removed from the keyring. This file is not a keyring, unlike the others.
+	# It is a textual list of values that gpg recogniezes as identifiers for keys.
 	local REMOVED_KEYS="${PACMAN_SHARE_DIR}/removedkeys"
-	# Add keys from the current set of keys from pacman-keyring package. The web of trust will
-	# be updated automatically.
+	# Verify signatures of related files, if they exist
 	if [[ -r "${ADDED_KEYS}" ]]; then
 		msg "$(gettext "Verifying official keys file signature...")"
-		if ! ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --verify "${ADDED_KEYS}.sig" 1>/dev/null; then
+		if ! ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --verify "${ADDED_KEYS}.sig" 1>/dev/null; then
 			error "$(gettext "The signature of file %s is not valid.")" "${ADDED_KEYS}"
 			exit 1
+	fi
-		msg "$(gettext "Appending official keys...")"
-		local add_keys=$(${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${ADDED_KEYS}" --with-colons --list-keys | grep ^pub | cut -d: -f5)
-		for key in ${add_keys}; do
-			msg "$(gettext "  key id: %s")" "$key"
-			${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${ADDED_KEYS}" --export "${key}" | ${GPG_PACMAN} --import
-		done
+	if [[ -r "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}" ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "Verifying deprecated keys file signature...")"
+		if ! ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --verify "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}.sig" 1>/dev/null; then
+			error "$(gettext "The signature of file %s is not valid.")" "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}"
+			exit 1
+		fi
-	# Remove the keys from REMOVED_KEYS keyring
 	if [[ -r "${REMOVED_KEYS}" ]]; then
 		msg "$(gettext "Verifying deleted keys file signature...")"
-		if ! ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --verify "${REMOVED_KEYS}.sig"; then
+		if ! ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --verify "${REMOVED_KEYS}.sig"; then
 			error "$(gettext "The signature of file %s is not valid.")" "${REMOVED_KEYS}"
 			exit 1
+	fi
+	# Read the key ids to an array. The conversion from whatever is inside the file
+	# to key ids is important, because key ids are the only guarantee of identification
+	# for the keys.
+	local -A removed_ids
+	if [[ -r "${REMOVED_KEYS}" ]]; then
+		while read key; do
+			local key_values name
+			key_values=$(${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --with-colons --list-key "${key}" | grep ^pub | cut -d: -f5,10 --output-delimiter=' ')
+			if [[ -n $key_values ]]; then
+				# The first word is the key_id
+				key_id=${key_values%% *}
+				# the rest if the name of the owner
+				name=${key_values#* }
+				if [[ -n ${key_id} ]]; then
+					# Mark this key to be deleted
+					removed_ids[$key_id]="$name"
+				fi
+			fi
+		done < "${REMOVED_KEYS}"
+	fi
+	# List of keys that must be kept installed, even if in the list of keys to be removed
+	local HOLD_KEYS=$(find_config "HoldKeys")
+	# Remove the keys that must be kept from the set of keys that should be removed
+	if [[ -n ${HOLD_KEYS} ]]; then
+		for key in ${HOLD_KEYS}; do
+			key_id=$(${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --with-colons --list-key "${key}" | grep ^pub | cut -d: -f5)
+			if [[ -n "${removed_ids[$key_id]}" ]]; then
+				unset removed_ids[$key_id]
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	# Add keys from the current set of keys from pacman-keyring package. The web of trust will
+	# be updated automatically.
+	if [[ -r "${ADDED_KEYS}" ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "Appending official keys...")"
+		local add_keys=$(${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${ADDED_KEYS}" --with-colons --list-keys | grep ^pub | cut -d: -f5)
+		for key_id in ${add_keys}; do
+			# There is no point in adding a key that will be deleted right after
+			if [[ -z "${removed_ids[$key_id]}" ]]; then
+				${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${ADDED_KEYS}" --export "${key_id}" | ${GPG_PACMAN} --import
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	if [[ -r "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}" ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "Appending deprecated keys...")"
+		local add_keys=$(${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}" --with-colons --list-keys | grep ^pub | cut -d: -f5)
+		for key_id in ${add_keys}; do
+			# There is no point in adding a key that will be deleted right after
+			if [[ -z "${removed_ids[$key_id]}" ]]; then
+				${GPG_NOKEYRING} --keyring "${DEPRECATED_KEYS}" --export "${key_id}" | ${GPG_PACMAN} --import
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	# Remove the keys not marked to keep
+	if (( ${#removed_ids[@]} > 0 )); then
 		msg "$(gettext "Removing deleted keys from keyring...")"
-		cat "${REMOVED_KEYS}" | while read key; do
-			msg "$(gettext "  key id: %s")" "$key"
-			${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --yes --delete-key "${key}"
+		for key_id in "${!removed_ids[@]}"; do
+			echo "  removing key $key_id - ${removed_ids[$key_id]}"
+			${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --yes --delete-key "${key_id}"
@@ -169,8 +244,7 @@ fi
 # Read GPGDIR from $CONFIG.
 # The pattern is: any spaces or tabs, GPGDir, any spaces or tabs, equal sign
 # and the rest of the line. The string is splitted after the first occurrence of =
-if [[ GPGDIR=$(grep -e '^[[:blank:]]*GPGDir[[:blank:]]*=.*' "$CONFIG") == 0 ]]; then
+if [[ GPGDIR=$(find_config "GPGDir") == 0 ]]; then
@@ -185,15 +259,8 @@ shift
 case "${command}" in
-		if (( $# == 0 )); then
-			error "$(gettext "You need to specify at least one key identifier")"
-			usage
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		while (( $# > 0 )); do
-			${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "$1"
-			shift
-		done
+		# If there is no extra parameter, gpg will read stdin
+		${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "$@"
 		if (( $# == 0 )); then
@@ -201,10 +268,7 @@ case "${command}" in
 			exit 1
-		while (( $# > 0 )); do
-			${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "$1"
-			shift
-		done
+		${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "$@"
 		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --check-trustdb
@@ -213,20 +277,13 @@ case "${command}" in
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs
+		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs "$@"
 		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --fingerprint $*
-		if (( $# == 0 )); then
-			${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export
-		else
-			while (( $# > 0 )); do
-				${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "$1"
-				shift
-			done
-		fi
+		${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "$@"
 		if (( $# < 2 )); then
@@ -236,7 +293,7 @@ case "${command}" in
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "${keyserver}" --recv-keys $*
+		${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "${keyserver}" --recv-keys "$@"
 		if (( $# == 0 )); then
@@ -257,7 +314,7 @@ case "${command}" in
 		msg "$(gettext "Executing: %s ")$*" "${GPG_PACMAN}"
-		${GPG_PACMAN} $* || ret=$?
+		${GPG_PACMAN} "$@" || ret=$?
 		exit $ret

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