[pacman-dev] [PATCH 1/7] pacman-key: use our option parser

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Fri Jul 8 07:59:26 EDT 2011

The pacman-key script is complicated enough to warrent usage of the
parse_options script.  This is especially helpful in dealing with
all the configuration file override flags as the no longer need to
be specified first.  It also allows us to do the right thing early
with --help/--version and no option cases cleanly. This change also
makde the check for root privileges only occur on operations where
they are needed.

This patch is inspired by and supercedes some patches submitted by
Denis A. Altoé Falqueto and Ivan Kanakarakis who were altering the
previous option handling in an attempt to deal with the above issues.

Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in |  191 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
index 833943c..8e797f8 100644
--- a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
@@ -26,20 +26,30 @@ export TEXTDOMAINDIR='@localedir@'
+# Options
 usage() {
 	printf "pacman-key (pacman) %s\n" ${myver}
-	printf "$(gettext "Usage: %s [options] <command> [arguments]")\n" $(basename $0)
+	printf "$(gettext "Usage: %s [options]")\n" $(basename $0)
 	printf "$(gettext "Manage pacman\'s list of trusted keys")\n"
-	echo "$(gettext "Options must be placed before commands. The available options are:")"
-	printf "$(gettext "  --config <file>  Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')")\n" "$CONFIG"
-	printf "$(gettext "  --gpgdir         Set an alternate directory for gnupg (instead of '%s')")\n" "$PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR"
-	echo
-	echo "$(gettext "The available commands are:")"
+	echo "$(gettext "Options:")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -a, --add [<file(s)>]     Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -d, --del <keyid(s)>      Remove the specified keyids")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -e, --export <keyid(s)>   Export the specified keyids")"
@@ -51,8 +61,11 @@ usage() {
 	echo "$(gettext "  -u, --updatedb            Update the trustdb of pacman")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -V, --version             Show program version")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  --adv <params>            Use pacman's keyring with advanced gpg commands")"
-	printf "$(gettext "  --reload                  Reload the default keys")"
-	echo
+	echo "$(gettext "  --config <file>           Use an alternate config file")"
+	printf "$(gettext "                                    (instead of '%s')")\n" "@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --gpgdir <dir>            Set an alternate directory for gnupg")"
+	printf "$(gettext "                                    (instead of '%s')")\n" "@sysconfdir@/pacman.d/gnupg"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --reload                  Reload the default keys")"
 version() {
@@ -198,116 +211,108 @@ if ! type gettext &>/dev/null; then
-if [[ $1 != "--version" && $1 != "-V" && $1 != "--help" && $1 != "-h" && $1 != "" ]]; then
-	if type -p gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 = 1; then
-		error "$(gettext "gnupg does not seem to be installed.")"
-		msg2 "$(gettext "pacman-key requires gnupg for most operations.")"
-		exit 1
-	elif (( EUID != 0 )); then
-		error "$(gettext "pacman-key needs to be run as root.")"
-		exit 1
-	fi
+if ! OPT_TEMP="$(parse_options $OPT_SHORT $OPT_LONG "$@")"; then
+	echo; usage; exit 1 # E_INVALID_OPTION;
+eval set -- "$OPT_TEMP"
+if [[ $1 == "--" ]]; then
+	usage;
+	exit 0;
-# Parse global options
-while [[ $1 =~ ^--(config|gpgdir)$ ]]; do
+while true; do
 	case "$1" in
-		--config) shift; CONFIG="$1" ;;
-		--gpgdir) shift; PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR="$1" ;;
+		-a|--add)         ADD=1; [[ -n $2 && ${2:0:1} != "-" ]] && shift && KEYFILES=($1) ;;
+		--adv)            ADVANCED=1; shift; ARGUMENTS=($1) ;;
+		--config)         shift; CONFIG=$1 ;;
+		-d|--del)         DELETE=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+		-e|--export)      EXPORT=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+		-f|--finger)      FINGER=1; [[ -n $2 && ${2:0:1} != "-" ]] && shift && KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+		--gpgdir)         shift; PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR=$1 ;;
+		-l|--list)        LIST=1 ;;
+		-r|--receive)     RECEIVE=1; shift; KEYSERVER="${1[0]}"; KEYIDS=("${1[@]:1}") ;;
+		--reload)         RELOAD=1 ;;
+		-t|--trust)       TRUST=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+		-u|--updatedb)    UPDATEDB=1 ;;
+		-h|--help)        usage; exit 0 ;;
+		-V|--version)     version; exit 0 ;;
+		--)               OPT_IND=0; shift; break;;
+		*)                usage; exit 1 ;;
+if ! type -p gpg >/dev/null; then
+    error "$(gettext "Cannot find the %s binary required for all %s operations.")" "gpg" "pacman-key"
+	exit 1
+if (( (ADD || ADVANCED || DELETE || RECEIVE || RELOAD || TRUST || UPDATEDB) && EUID != 0 )); then
+	error "$(gettext "%s needs to be run as root for this operation.")" "pacman-key"
+	exit 1
+CONFIG=${CONFIG:- at sysconfdir@/pacman.conf}
 if [[ ! -r "${CONFIG}" ]]; then
-	error "$(gettext "%s not found.")" "$CONFIG"
+	error "$(gettext "%s configuation file '%s' not found.")" "pacman" "$CONFIG"
 	exit 1
-# Read GPGDIR from $CONFIG.
-if [[ GPGDIR=$(get_from "$CONFIG" "GPGDir") == 0 ]]; then
+# Get GPGDIR from pacman.conf iff not specified on command line
+if [[ -z PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR && GPGDIR=$(get_from "$CONFIG" "GPGDir") == 0 ]]; then
-GPG_PACMAN="gpg --homedir ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} --no-permission-warning"
+PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR=${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR:- at sysconfdir@/pacman.d/gnupg}
 # Try to create $PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR if non-existent
 # Check for simple existence rather than for a directory as someone may want
 # to use a symlink here
 [[ -e ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} ]] || mkdir -p -m 755 "${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}"
-# Parse and execute command
-if [[ -z "${command}" ]]; then
-	usage
-	exit 1
+GPG_PACMAN="gpg --homedir ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} --no-permission-warning"
+(( ADD )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "${KEYFILES[@]}"
+(( DELETE )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( EXPORT )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( FINGER )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --fingerprint "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( LIST )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( RELOAD )) && reload_keyring
+(( UPDATEDB )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --check-trustdb
+if (( ADVANCED )); then
+	msg "$(gettext "Executing: %s %s")" "${GPG_PACMAN}" "${ARGUMENTS[@]}"
+	${GPG_PACMAN} "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" || ret=$?
+	exit $ret
-case "${command}" in
-	-a|--add)
-		# If there is no extra parameter, gpg will read stdin
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "$@"
-		;;
-	-d|--del)
-		if (( $# == 0 )); then
-			error "$(gettext "You need to specify at least one key identifier")"
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "$@"
-		;;
-	-u|--updatedb)
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --check-trustdb
-		;;
-	--reload)
-		reload_keyring
-		;;
-	-l|--list)
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs "$@"
-		;;
-	-f|--finger)
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --fingerprint "$@"
-		;;
-	-e|--export)
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "$@"
-		;;
-	-r|--receive)
-		if (( $# < 2 )); then
-			error "$(gettext "You need to specify the keyserver and at least one key identifier")"
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		keyserver="$1"
-		shift
-		${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "${keyserver}" --recv-keys "$@"
-		;;
-	-t|--trust)
-		if (( $# == 0 )); then
-			error "$(gettext "You need to specify at least one key identifier")"
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		while (( $# > 0 )); do
+if (( RECEIVE )); then
+	if [[ -z ${KEYIDS[@]} ]]; then
+		error "$(gettext "You need to specify the keyserver and at least one key identifier")"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" --recv-keys "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+if (( TRUST )); then
+		for key in ${KEYIDS[@]}; do
 			# Verify if the key exists in pacman's keyring
-			if ${GPG_PACMAN} --list-keys "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-				${GPG_PACMAN} --edit-key "$1"
+			if ${GPG_PACMAN} --list-keys "$key" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+				${GPG_PACMAN} --edit-key "$key"
-				error "$(gettext "The key identified by %s doesn't exist")" "$1"
+				error "$(gettext "The key identified by %s does not exist")" "$key"
 				exit 1
-		;;
-	--adv)
-		msg "$(gettext "Executing: %s ")$*" "${GPG_PACMAN}"
-		${GPG_PACMAN} "$@" || ret=$?
-		exit $ret
-		;;
-	-h|--help)
-		usage; exit 0 ;;
-	-V|--version)
-		version; exit 0 ;;
-	*)
-		error "$(gettext "Unknown command:") $command"
-		usage; exit 1 ;;
 # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:

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