[pacman-dev] [PATCH 6/6] pacman-key: add --import-trustdb option

Pang Yan Han pangyanhan at gmail.com
Sat May 28 10:37:36 EDT 2011

When pacman is installed, an empty trustdb is created if it is non-existent.
The --import-trustdb option allows users to import their own trustdb into
pacman's gpgdir to facilitate signature verification.

Signed-off-by: Pang Yan Han <pangyanhan at gmail.com>
 doc/pacman-key.8.txt     |    4 ++
 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/pacman-key.8.txt b/doc/pacman-key.8.txt
index 8a08480..234e060 100644
--- a/doc/pacman-key.8.txt
+++ b/doc/pacman-key.8.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ Commands
 *-h, \--help*::
 	Output syntax and command line options.
+*\--import-trustdb* <db>::
+	Overrides the trustdb with db. Confirmation from the user is required before
+	the trustdb is overwritten, unless the trustdb is empty or non-existent.
 *-l, \--list*::
 	Equivalent to --list-sigs from GnuPG.
diff --git a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
index e795aad..7a1fa42 100644
--- a/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/pacman-key.sh.in
@@ -70,10 +70,26 @@ usage() {
 	echo "$(gettext "  -u, --updatedb            Update the trustdb of pacman")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  -V, --version             Show program version")"
 	echo "$(gettext "  --adv <params>            Use pacman's keyring with advanced gpg commands")"
+	echo "$(gettext "  --import-trustdb <db>     Override pacman's trustdb")"
 	printf "$(gettext "  --reload                  Reload the default keys")"
+## From makepkg
+#  usage: in_array( $needle, $haystack )
+# return : 0 - found
+#          1 - not found
+in_array() {
+	local needle=$1; shift
+	[[ -z $1 ]] && return 1 # Not found
+	local item
+	for item in "$@"; do
+		[[ $item = $needle ]] && return 0 # Found
+	done
+	return 1 # Not found
 version() {
 	printf "pacman-key (pacman) %s\n" "${myver}"
 	printf "$(gettext "\
@@ -228,6 +244,56 @@ if [[ $1 != "--version" && $1 != "-V" && $1 != "--help" && $1 != "-h" && $1 != "
+import_trustdb() {
+	local choice=
+	local valid_choices=('n' 'no' 'y' 'yes')
+	warning "$(gettext "This option will overwrite your existing trustdb at $PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR/trustdb.gpg with a new one.")"
+	while ! in_array "$choice" "${valid_choices[@]}"; do
+		echo -n "$(gettext "==> Do you wish to continue (y/n) ")"
+		read choice
+		choice=$(echo "$choice" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+	done
+	if [[ $choice = 'n' || $choice = 'no' ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "Your original trustdb at ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg is preserved.")"
+		exit 0
+	fi
+	# Reset choice
+	choice=
+	echo
+	if [[ ! -e "${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg" ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "No trustdb found at ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg.")"
+		msg "$(gettext "Importing $1...")"
+		cp $1 ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg
+		msg "$(gettext "Successfully imported $1 to ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg")"
+	elif [[ $(stat -c "%s" "${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg") = "0" ]]; then
+		msg "$(gettext "Empty trustdb at ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg.")"
+		msg "$(gettext "Importing $1...")"
+		cp $1 ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg
+		msg "$(gettext "Successfully imported $1 to ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg")"
+	else
+		warning "$(gettext "trustdb at \"${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg\" is not empty.")"
+		while ! in_array "$choice" "${valid_choices[@]}" ; do
+			echo -n "$(gettext "==> Do you wish to overwrite your pacman trustdb? (y/n) ")"
+			read choice
+			choice=$(echo "$choice" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+		done
+		echo
+		if [[ $choice = 'y' || $choice = 'yes' ]]; then
+			cp $1 ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg
+			msg "$(gettext "Successfully imported $1 to ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg")"
+		else
+			msg "$(gettext "$1 is not imported")"
+			msg "$(gettext "Your original trustdb at ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}/trustdb.gpg is preserved.")"
+		fi
+	fi
 # Parse global options
@@ -322,6 +388,21 @@ case "${command}" in
 		usage; exit 0 ;;
+	--import-trustdb)
+		if (( $# != 1 )); then
+			error "$(gettext "You need to specify exactly one trustdb!")"
+			exit 1
+		elif [[ ! -e $1 ]]; then
+			error "$(gettext "$1 does not exist!")"
+			exit 1
+		elif [[ -d $1 ]]; then
+			error "$(gettext "$1 is a directory and cannot be imported!")"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		import_trustdb $1
+		;;
 		version; exit 0 ;;

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