[pacman-dev] [PATCH] makepkg: unify tarball creation

lolilolicon lolilolicon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 13:23:37 EDT 2011

Introduce ext_to_tar_opt() to unify package and source package tarball
creation.  This requires bsdtar to support the compression options -z,
-j, -J and -Z.  Note also the 'compress' command is not available in
Arch (FS#25908), so 'bsdtar -Z' seems to be the only way to support
.tar.Z archive creation.

Signed-off-by: lolilolicon <lolilolicon at gmail.com>
 scripts/makepkg.sh.in |  107 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
index 86e74a6..75c3730 100644
--- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
@@ -1212,6 +1212,22 @@ check_package() {
+# get bsdtar compression flag from extension
+ext_to_tar_opt() {
+	local extension=$1 TAR_OPT=
+	case "$extension" in
+		*.tar.gz)  TAR_OPT="z" ;;
+		*.tar.bz2) TAR_OPT="j" ;;
+		*.tar.xz)  TAR_OPT="J" ;;
+		*.tar.Z)   TAR_OPT="Z" ;;
+		*.tar)                 ;;
+		*) warning "$(gettext "'%s' is not a valid archive extension.")" \
+		"$extension" ;;
+	esac
+	printf '%s' "$TAR_OPT"
 create_package() {
 	if [[ ! -d $pkgdir ]]; then
 		error "$(gettext "Missing %s directory.")" "pkg/"
@@ -1253,71 +1269,43 @@ create_package() {
-	# tar it up
-	msg2 "$(gettext "Compressing package...")"
-	local EXT
-	case "$PKGEXT" in
-		*tar.gz)  EXT=${PKGEXT%.gz} ;;
-		*tar.bz2) EXT=${PKGEXT%.bz2} ;;
-		*tar.xz)  EXT=${PKGEXT%.xz} ;;
-		*tar.Z)   EXT=${PKGEXT%.Z} ;;
-		*tar)     EXT=${PKGEXT} ;;
-		*) warning "$(gettext "'%s' is not a valid archive extension.")" \
-	esac
 	local fullver=$(get_full_version)
 	local pkg_file="$PKGDEST/${nameofpkg}-${fullver}-${PKGARCH}${PKGEXT}"
-	local ret=0
 	[[ -f $pkg_file ]] && rm -f "$pkg_file"
 	[[ -f $pkg_file.sig ]] && rm -f "$pkg_file.sig"
+	# tar it up
+	msg2 "$(gettext "Compressing package...")"
+	local TAR_OPT=$(ext_to_tar_opt "$PKGEXT")
 	# when fileglobbing, we want * in an empty directory to expand to
 	# the null string rather than itself
 	shopt -s nullglob
-	# TODO: Maybe this can be set globally for robustness
-	shopt -s -o pipefail
-	bsdtar -cf - $comp_files * |
-	case "$PKGEXT" in
-	    *tar.gz)  gzip -c -f -n ;;
-	    *tar.bz2) bzip2 -c -f ;;
-	    *tar.xz)  xz -c -z - ;;
-	    *tar.Z)   compress -c -f ;;
-	    *tar)     cat ;;
-	esac > "${pkg_file}" || ret=$?
-	shopt -u nullglob
-	shopt -u -o pipefail
-	if (( ret )); then
+	if ! bsdtar -c${TAR_OPT}f "$pkg_file" $comp_files *; then
 		error "$(gettext "Failed to create package file.")"
 		exit 1 # TODO: error code
-	fi
-	create_signature "$pkg_file"
-	if (( ! ret )) && [[ ! "$PKGDEST" -ef "${startdir}" ]]; then
-		rm -f "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}"
-		ln -s "${pkg_file}" "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}"
-		ret=$?
-		if [[ -f $pkg_file.sig ]]; then
-			rm -f "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}.sig"
-			ln -s "$pkg_file.sig" "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}.sig"
+	else
+		create_signature "$pkg_file"
+		if [[ ! "$PKGDEST" -ef "${startdir}" ]]; then
+			rm -f "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}"
+			if ! ln -s "${pkg_file}" "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}"
+				warning "$(gettext "Failed to create symlink to package file.")"
+			fi
+			if [[ -f $pkg_file.sig ]]; then
+				rm -f "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}.sig"
+				if ! ln -s "$pkg_file.sig" "${pkg_file/$PKGDEST/$startdir}.sig"
+					warning "$(gettext "Failed to create symlink to signature file.")"
+				fi
+			fi
-	if (( ret )); then
-		warning "$(gettext "Failed to create symlink to package file.")"
-	fi
+	shopt -u nullglob
 create_signature() {
 	if [[ $SIGNPKG != 'y' ]]; then
-	local ret=0
 	local filename="$1"
 	msg "$(gettext "Signing package...")"
@@ -1326,10 +1314,7 @@ create_signature() {
 	# The signature will be generated directly in ascii-friendly format
-	gpg --detach-sign --use-agent ${SIGNWITHKEY} "$filename" &>/dev/null || ret=$?
-	if (( ! ret )); then
+	if gpg --detach-sign --use-agent ${SIGNWITHKEY} "$filename" &>/dev/null; then
 		msg2 "$(gettext "Created signature file %s.")" "$filename.sig"
 		warning "$(gettext "Failed to sign package file.")"
@@ -1369,35 +1354,23 @@ create_srcpackage() {
 		done < <(sed -n "s/^[[:space:]]*$i=//p" "$BUILDFILE")
-	local TAR_OPT
-	case "$SRCEXT" in
-		*tar.gz)  TAR_OPT="z" ;;
-		*tar.bz2) TAR_OPT="j" ;;
-		*tar.xz)  TAR_OPT="J" ;;
-		*tar)     TAR_OPT=""  ;;
-		*) warning "$(gettext "'%s' is not a valid archive extension.")" \
-		"$SRCEXT" ;;
-	esac
 	local fullver=$(get_full_version)
 	local pkg_file="$SRCPKGDEST/${pkgbase}-${fullver}${SRCEXT}"
 	# tar it up
 	msg2 "$(gettext "Compressing source package...")"
 	cd "${srclinks}"
+	local TAR_OPT=$(ext_to_tar_opt "$SRCEXT")
 	if ! bsdtar -c${TAR_OPT}Lf "$pkg_file" ${pkgbase}; then
 		error "$(gettext "Failed to create source package file.")"
 		exit 1 # TODO: error code
-	if (( ! ret )) && [[ ! "$SRCPKGDEST" -ef "${startdir}" ]]; then
+	elif [[ ! "$SRCPKGDEST" -ef "${startdir}" ]]; then
 		rm -f "${pkg_file/$SRCPKGDEST/$startdir}"
-		ln -s "${pkg_file}" "${pkg_file/$SRCPKGDEST/$startdir}"
-		ret=$?
-	fi
-	if (( ret )); then
-		warning "$(gettext "Failed to create symlink to source package file.")"
+		if ! ln -s "${pkg_file}" "${pkg_file/$SRCPKGDEST/$startdir}"; then
+			warning "$(gettext "Failed to create symlink to source package file.")"
+		fi
 	cd "${startdir}"

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