[pacman-dev] [PATCH 2/2] add zsh completion for makepkg

Daniel Wallace daniel.wallace at gatech.edu
Sun Apr 15 13:16:44 EDT 2012

right now the only completion for zsh for makepkg comes from pkgtool,
and the 2 options that come from that are --chown and --linkadd which
aren't options for makepkg anyway.  This should add completion for all
the flags for makepkg

Signed-off-by: Daniel Wallace <daniel.wallace at gatech.edu>
 contrib/zsh_completion.in |  175 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/zsh_completion.in b/contrib/zsh_completion.in
index 73ce42f..4bafafa 100644
--- a/contrib/zsh_completion.in
+++ b/contrib/zsh_completion.in
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#compdef pacman pacman.static=pacman pacman-key
+#compdef pacman pacman.static=pacman pacman-key makepkg
 # copy this file to /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pacman
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ _pacman_completions_all_packages() {
 		typeset -U packages
 		_wanted packages expl "packages" compadd - "${(@)packages}"
-		repositories=(${(o)${${${(M)${(f)"$(<@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf)"}:#\[*}/\[/}/\]/}:#options})
+		repositories=(${(o)${${${(M)${(f)"$(</etc/pacman.conf)"}:#\[*}/\[/}/\]/}:#options})
 		typeset -U repositories
 		_wanted repo_packages expl "repository/package" compadd -S "/" $repositories
@@ -257,15 +257,15 @@ _pacman_completions_installed_groups() {
 # provides completions for installed packages
 _pacman_completions_installed_packages() {
 	local -a cmd packages packages_long
-	packages_long=(@localstatedir@/lib/pacman/local/*(/))
-	packages=( ${${packages_long#@localstatedir@/lib/pacman/local/}%-*-*} )
+	packages_long=(/var/lib/pacman/local/*(/))
+	packages=( ${${packages_long#/var/lib/pacman/local/}%-*-*} )
 	compadd "$@" -a packages
 # provides completions for repository names
 _pacman_completions_repositories() {
 	local -a cmd repositories
-	repositories=(${(o)${${${(M)${(f)"$(<@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf)"}:#\[*}/\[/}/\]/}:#options})
+	repositories=(${(o)${${${(M)${(f)"$(</etc/pacman.conf)"}:#\[*}/\[/}/\]/}:#options})
 	# Uniq the array
 	typeset -U repositories
 	compadd "$@" -a repositories
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ _pacman_zsh_comp() {
 _pacman_key() {
-  _arguments \
+  _arguments -s \
     '(- :)'{-h,--help}"[show help]" \
     '(-a --add)*'{-a,--add}"[Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)]: :_files" \
     '(-d --delete)*'{-d,--delete}"[Remove the Specified keyids]: :_keys" \
@@ -368,8 +368,167 @@ _keys() {
   _describe -t modules 'keys in keyring' keys && return 0
+# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
+#compdef makepkg
+    '-s[Install missing dependencies with pacman]'
+    '-i[Install package after successful build]'
+    '-A[Ignore incomplete arch field in PKGBUILD]'
+    '-c[Clean up work files after build]'
+    '-d[Skip all dependency checks]'
+    '-e[Do not extract source files (use existing src/ dir)]'
+    '-f[Overwrite existing package]'
+    '-g[Generate integrity checks for source files]'
+    '-h[Show help message and exit]'
+    '-L[Log package build process]'
+    '-m[Disable colorized output messages]'
+    '-o[Download and extract files only]'
+    '-p[Use an alternate build script (instead of 'PKGBUILD')]: :_files'
+    '-r[Remove installed dependencies after a successful build]'
+    '-R[Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding]'
+    '-S[Generate a source-only tarball without downloading sources]'
+    )
+  _arguments \
+		"$_makepkg_opts_common[@]"\
+    "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+  '--ignorearch[Ignore incomplete arch field in PKGBUILD]'
+  '--clean[Clean up work files after build]'
+  '--nodeps[Skip all dependency checks]'
+  '--noextract[Do not extract source files (use existing src/ dir)]'
+  '--force[Overwrite existing package]'
+  '--geninteg[Generate integrity checks for source files]'
+  '--help[Show help message and exit]'
+  '--install[Install package after successful build]'
+  '--log[Log package build process]'
+  '--nocolor[Disable colorized output messages]'
+  '--nobuild[Download and extract files only]'
+  '--rmdeps[Remove installed dependencies after a successful build]'
+  '--repackage[Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding]'
+  '--syncdeps[Install missing dependencies with pacman]'
+  '--source[Generate a source-only tarball without downloading sources]'
+  '--allsource[Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded source]'
+  '--asroot[Allow makepkg to run as root user]'
+  '--check[Run check() function in the PKGBUILD]'
+  '--config[Use an alternate config file instead of '/etc/makepkg.conf']: :_files'
+  '--holdver[Prevent automatic version bumping for development PKGBUILDs]'
+  '--key[Specify key to use for gpg signing instead of the default]: :_keys'
+  '--nocheck[Do not run the check() function in the PKGBUILD]'
+  '--nosign[Do not create a signature for the package]'
+  '--pkg[Only build listed packages from a split package]'
+  '--sign[Sign the resulting package with gpg]'
+  '--skipchecksums[Do not verify checksums of the source files]'
+  '--skipinteg[do not perform any verification checks on source files]'
+  '--skippgpcheck[Do not verify source files with PGP signatures]'
+  '--noconfirm[do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies]'
+  '--noprogressbar[Do not show a progress bar when downloading files]'
+  )
+    case $words[2] in
+      -A*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -c*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -d*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -e*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]"
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -f*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -g*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -h*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -i*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -L*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -m*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -o*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -p*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -r*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -R*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -S*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+          ;;
+      -s*)
+        _arguments \
+          "$_makepkg_opts_common[@]" \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+        ;;
+      --* )
+        _arguments -s \
+          "$_double_makepkg[@]" 
+        ;;
+      - )_makepkg_action_none ;;
+      * ) return 1;;
+    esac
+#  case "$words[3]" in 
+#    --)
+#      _arguments -s \
+#        "$_double_makepkg[@]"
+#      ;;
+#    - )_makepkg_action_none ;;
+#    *) return 1;;
+#  esac
 _pacman_comp() {
   case "$service" in
+    makepkg)
+      _makepkg "$@";;
       _pacman_key "$@";;
@@ -379,8 +538,6 @@ _pacman_comp() {
-_pacman_comp "$@"
-# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et

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