[pacman-dev] [PATCH v2 2/5] pacdiff: be more verbose if we rename or remove

Florian Pritz bluewind at xinu.at
Wed Dec 19 19:06:34 EST 2012

Doesn't hurt and reassures the user that we did the right thing.

Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <bluewind at xinu.at>
same patch

 contrib/pacdiff.sh.in | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/pacdiff.sh.in b/contrib/pacdiff.sh.in
index 4c6277d..05531c6 100644
--- a/contrib/pacdiff.sh.in
+++ b/contrib/pacdiff.sh.in
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@ while IFS= read -u 3 -r -d '' pacfile; do
 	printf " found for $PURPLE%s$ALL_OFF\n" "$file"
 	if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
 		echo "  $file does not exist"
-		rm -i "$pacfile"
+		rm -iv "$pacfile"
 	check="$(cmp "$pacfile" "$file")"
 	if [ -z "${check}" ]; then
 		echo "  Files are identical, removing..."
-		rm "$pacfile"
+		rm -v "$pacfile"
 		echo -n "  File differences found. (V)iew, (S)kip, (R)emove: [v/s/r] "
 		while read c; do
 			case $c in
-				r|R) rm "$pacfile"; break ;;
+				r|R) rm -v "$pacfile"; break ;;
 				$diffprog "$pacfile" "$file"
-				rm -i "$pacfile"; break ;;
+				rm -iv "$pacfile"; break ;;
 				s|S) break ;;
 				*) echo -n "  Invalid answer. Try again: [v/s/r] "; continue ;;

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