[pacman-dev] [PATCH 1/4] makepkg: remove VCS package support

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sun Jun 3 11:40:46 EDT 2012

The current VCS packaging support is really, really, really bad.
It is best to strip it out completely before rewriting it.

Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
 scripts/makepkg.sh.in |  117 -------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
index c055691..0c54497 100644
--- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
@@ -1786,114 +1786,6 @@ check_software() {
 	return $ret
-devel_check() {
-	newpkgver=""
-	# Do not update pkgver if --holdver is set, when building a source package, repackaging,
-	# reading PKGBUILD from pipe (-f), or if we cannot write to the file (-w)
-	if (( HOLDVER || SOURCEONLY || REPKG )) ||
-		[[ ! -f $BUILDFILE || ! -w $BUILDFILE || $BUILDFILE = "/dev/stdin" ]]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	if [[ -z $FORCE_VER ]]; then
-		# Check if this is a svn/cvs/etc PKGBUILD; set $newpkgver if so.
-		# This will only be used on the first call to makepkg; subsequent
-		# calls to makepkg via fakeroot will explicitly pass the version
-		# number to avoid having to determine the version number twice.
-		# Also do a check to make sure we have the VCS tool available.
-		local vcs=()
-		[[ -n ${_darcstrunk} && -n ${_darcsmod} ]] && vcs+=("darcs")
-		[[ -n ${_cvsroot}    && -n ${_cvsmod}   ]] && vcs+=("cvs")
-		[[ -n ${_gitroot}    && -n ${_gitname}  ]] && vcs+=("git")
-		[[ -n ${_svntrunk}   && -n ${_svnmod}   ]] && vcs+=("svn")
-		[[ -n ${_bzrtrunk}   && -n ${_bzrmod}   ]] && vcs+=("bzr")
-		[[ -n ${_hgroot}     && -n ${_hgrepo}   ]] && vcs+=("hg")
-		if (( ${#vcs[@]} == 0 )); then
-			return
-		elif (( ${#vcs[@]} > 1 )); then
-			warning "$(gettext "Ambiguous VCS package. Cannot pick from: %s.")" "${vcs[*]}"
-			return 0
-		fi
-		if ! type -p "$vcs" >/dev/null; then
-			warning "$(gettext "Cannot find the %s binary required to determine latest %s revision.")" "$vcs" "$vcs"
-			return 0
-		fi
-		msg "$(gettext "Determining latest %s revision...")" "$vcs"
-		case "$vcs" in
-			darcs)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			cvs)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			git)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			svn)
-				newpkgver=$(LC_ALL=C svn info $_svntrunk | sed -n 's/^Last Changed Rev: \([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
-				;;
-			bzr)
-				newpkgver=$(bzr revno ${_bzrtrunk})
-				;;
-			hg)
-				if pushd "./src/$_hgrepo" > /dev/null; then
-					local ret=0
-					hg pull || ret=$?
-					if (( ! ret )); then
-						hg update
-					elif (( ret != 1 )); then
-						return 1
-					fi
-				else
-					[[ ! -d ./src/ ]] && mkdir ./src/
-					hg clone "$_hgroot/$_hgrepo" "./src/$_hgrepo"
-					if ! pushd "./src/$_hgrepo" > /dev/null; then
-						warning "$(gettext "An error occured while determining the hg version number.")"
-						return 0
-					fi
-				fi
-				newpkgver=$(hg tip --template "{rev}")
-				popd > /dev/null
-				;;
-		esac
-		if [[ -n $newpkgver ]]; then
-			msg2 "$(gettext "Version found: %s")" "$newpkgver"
-		fi
-	else
-		# Version number retrieved from fakeroot->makepkg argument
-		newpkgver=$FORCE_VER
-	fi
-devel_update() {
-	# This is lame, but if we're wanting to use an updated pkgver for
-	# retrieving svn/cvs/etc sources, we'll update the PKGBUILD with
-	# the new pkgver and then re-source it. This is the most robust
-	# method for dealing with PKGBUILDs that use, e.g.:
-	#
-	#  pkgver=23
-	#  ...
-	#  _foo=pkgver
-	#
-	if [[ -n $newpkgver && $newpkgver != "$pkgver" ]]; then
-		if [[ -f $BUILDFILE && -w $BUILDFILE ]]; then
-			@SEDINPLACE@ "s/^pkgver=[^ ]*/pkgver=$newpkgver/" "$BUILDFILE"
-			@SEDINPLACE@ "s/^pkgrel=[^ ]*/pkgrel=1/" "$BUILDFILE"
-			source "$BUILDFILE"
-		else
-			warning "$(gettext "%s is not writeable -- pkgver will not be updated")" "$BUILDFILE"
-		fi
-	fi
 backup_package_variables() {
 	local var
 	for var in ${splitpkg_overrides[@]}; do
@@ -2267,13 +2159,6 @@ check_sanity || exit 1
 # check we have the software required to process the PKGBUILD
 check_software || exit 1
-# We need to run devel_update regardless of whether we are in the fakeroot
-# build process so that if the user runs makepkg --forcever manually, we
-# 1) output the correct pkgver, and 2) use the correct filename when
-# checking if the package file already exists - fixes FS #9194
 if (( ${#pkgname[@]} > 1 )); then
@@ -2508,7 +2393,6 @@ else
 	# if we are root or if fakeroot is not enabled, then we don't use it
 	if ! check_buildenv "fakeroot" "y" || (( EUID == 0 )); then
 		if (( ! REPKG )); then
-			devel_update
 			(( BUILDFUNC )) && run_build
 			(( CHECKFUNC )) && run_check
@@ -2530,7 +2414,6 @@ else
 		if (( ! REPKG && ( PKGFUNC || SPLITPKG ) )); then
-			devel_update
 			(( BUILDFUNC )) && run_build
 			(( CHECKFUNC )) && run_check
 			cd_safe "$startdir"

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