[pacman-dev] [PATCH 01/11] makepkg: remove VCS package support

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Jun 26 18:58:07 EDT 2012

The current VCS packaging support is really, really, really bad.
It is best to strip it out completely before rewriting it.

Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
 doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt    |  64 ----------------------
 doc/makepkg.8.txt     |  10 ----
 scripts/makepkg.sh.in | 145 +++-----------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt b/doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt
index 404a55c..956179a 100644
--- a/doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt
+++ b/doc/PKGBUILD.5.txt
@@ -383,70 +383,6 @@ The install script does not need to be specified in the source array. A
 template install file is available in '{pkgdatadir}' as 'proto.install' for
 reference with all of the available functions defined.
-Development Directives
-makepkg supports building development versions of packages without having to
-manually update the pkgver in the PKGBUILD. This was formerly done using the
-separate utility 'versionpkg'. In order to utilize this functionality, your
-PKGBUILD must use correct variable names depending on the SCM being fetched
-from (e.g., 'makepkg-git', 'mplayer-svn').
-	The generated pkgver will be the date the package is built.
-	*_cvsroot*;;
-		The root of the CVS repository.
-	*_cvsmod*;;
-		The CVS module to fetch.
-	The generated pkgver will be the latest SVN revision number.
-	*_svntrunk*;;
-		The trunk of the SVN repository.
-	*_svnmod*;;
-		The SVN module to fetch.
-	The generated pkgver will be the date the package is built.
-	*_gitroot*;;
-		The URL (all protocols supported) to the GIT repository.
-	*_gitname*;;
-		GIT tag or branch to use.
-	The generated pkgver will be the hg tip revision number.
-	*_hgroot*;;
-		The URL of the mercurial repository.
-	*_hgrepo*;;
-		The repository to follow.
-	The generated pkgver will be the date the package is built.
-	*_darcstrunk*;;
-		URL to the repository trunk.
-	*_darcsmod*;;
-		Darcs module to use.
-	The generated pkgver will be the latest Bazaar revision number (revno).
-	*_bzrtrunk*;;
-		URL to the bazaar repository.
-	*_bzrmod*;;
-		Bazaar module to use.
 The following is an example PKGBUILD for the 'patch' package. For more
diff --git a/doc/makepkg.8.txt b/doc/makepkg.8.txt
index 27875a3..5b1b9e2 100644
--- a/doc/makepkg.8.txt
+++ b/doc/makepkg.8.txt
@@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ Options
 	default to the current directory. This allows the built package to be
-	This is a hidden option that should *not* be used unless you really know
-	what you are doing. makepkg uses this internally when calling itself to
-	set the new development pkgver of the package.
 *-g, \--geninteg*::
 	For each source file in the source array of PKGBUILD, download the file
 	if required and generate integrity checks. The integrity checks generated
@@ -96,11 +91,6 @@ Options
 *-h, \--help*::
 	Output syntax and command line options.
-	Useful when building development versions of packages. Prevents makepkg
-	from automatically bumping the pkgver to the latest revision number in
-	the package's development tree.
 *-i, \--install*::
 	Install or upgrade the package after a successful build using
diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
index abfabdf..0d63352 100644
--- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ REPKG=0
@@ -183,12 +182,7 @@ clean_up() {
 enter_fakeroot() {
 	msg "$(gettext "Entering %s environment...")" "fakeroot"
-	if [[ -n $newpkgver ]]; then
-		fakeroot -- $0 --forcever $newpkgver -F "${ARGLIST[@]}" || exit $?
-	else
-		fakeroot -- $0 -F "${ARGLIST[@]}" || exit $?
-	fi
+	fakeroot -- $0 -F "${ARGLIST[@]}" || exit $?
@@ -1787,114 +1781,6 @@ check_software() {
 	return $ret
-devel_check() {
-	newpkgver=""
-	# Do not update pkgver if --holdver is set, when building a source package, repackaging,
-	# reading PKGBUILD from pipe (-f), or if we cannot write to the file (-w)
-	if (( HOLDVER || SOURCEONLY || REPKG )) ||
-		[[ ! -f $BUILDFILE || ! -w $BUILDFILE || $BUILDFILE = "/dev/stdin" ]]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	if [[ -z $FORCE_VER ]]; then
-		# Check if this is a svn/cvs/etc PKGBUILD; set $newpkgver if so.
-		# This will only be used on the first call to makepkg; subsequent
-		# calls to makepkg via fakeroot will explicitly pass the version
-		# number to avoid having to determine the version number twice.
-		# Also do a check to make sure we have the VCS tool available.
-		local vcs=()
-		[[ -n ${_darcstrunk} && -n ${_darcsmod} ]] && vcs+=("darcs")
-		[[ -n ${_cvsroot}    && -n ${_cvsmod}   ]] && vcs+=("cvs")
-		[[ -n ${_gitroot}    && -n ${_gitname}  ]] && vcs+=("git")
-		[[ -n ${_svntrunk}   && -n ${_svnmod}   ]] && vcs+=("svn")
-		[[ -n ${_bzrtrunk}   && -n ${_bzrmod}   ]] && vcs+=("bzr")
-		[[ -n ${_hgroot}     && -n ${_hgrepo}   ]] && vcs+=("hg")
-		if (( ${#vcs[@]} == 0 )); then
-			return
-		elif (( ${#vcs[@]} > 1 )); then
-			warning "$(gettext "Ambiguous VCS package. Cannot pick from: %s.")" "${vcs[*]}"
-			return 0
-		fi
-		if ! type -p "$vcs" >/dev/null; then
-			warning "$(gettext "Cannot find the %s binary required to determine latest %s revision.")" "$vcs" "$vcs"
-			return 0
-		fi
-		msg "$(gettext "Determining latest %s revision...")" "$vcs"
-		case "$vcs" in
-			darcs)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			cvs)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			git)
-				newpkgver=$(date +%Y%m%d)
-				;;
-			svn)
-				newpkgver=$(LC_ALL=C svn info $_svntrunk | sed -n 's/^Last Changed Rev: \([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
-				;;
-			bzr)
-				newpkgver=$(bzr revno ${_bzrtrunk})
-				;;
-			hg)
-				if pushd "./src/$_hgrepo" > /dev/null; then
-					local ret=0
-					hg pull || ret=$?
-					if (( ! ret )); then
-						hg update
-					elif (( ret != 1 )); then
-						return 1
-					fi
-				else
-					[[ ! -d ./src/ ]] && mkdir ./src/
-					hg clone "$_hgroot/$_hgrepo" "./src/$_hgrepo"
-					if ! pushd "./src/$_hgrepo" > /dev/null; then
-						warning "$(gettext "An error occured while determining the hg version number.")"
-						return 0
-					fi
-				fi
-				newpkgver=$(hg tip --template "{rev}")
-				popd > /dev/null
-				;;
-		esac
-		if [[ -n $newpkgver ]]; then
-			msg2 "$(gettext "Version found: %s")" "$newpkgver"
-		fi
-	else
-		# Version number retrieved from fakeroot->makepkg argument
-		newpkgver=$FORCE_VER
-	fi
-devel_update() {
-	# This is lame, but if we're wanting to use an updated pkgver for
-	# retrieving svn/cvs/etc sources, we'll update the PKGBUILD with
-	# the new pkgver and then re-source it. This is the most robust
-	# method for dealing with PKGBUILDs that use, e.g.:
-	#
-	#  pkgver=23
-	#  ...
-	#  _foo=pkgver
-	#
-	if [[ -n $newpkgver && $newpkgver != "$pkgver" ]]; then
-		if [[ -f $BUILDFILE && -w $BUILDFILE ]]; then
-			@SEDINPLACE@ "s/^pkgver=[^ ]*/pkgver=$newpkgver/" "$BUILDFILE"
-			@SEDINPLACE@ "s/^pkgrel=[^ ]*/pkgrel=1/" "$BUILDFILE"
-			source "$BUILDFILE"
-		else
-			warning "$(gettext "%s is not writeable -- pkgver will not be updated")" "$BUILDFILE"
-		fi
-	fi
 backup_package_variables() {
 	local var
 	for var in ${splitpkg_overrides[@]}; do
@@ -1973,7 +1859,6 @@ usage() {
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --asroot         Allow %s to run as root user")\n" "makepkg"
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --check          Run the %s function in the %s")\n" "check()" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --config <file>  Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')")\n" "$confdir/makepkg.conf"
-	printf -- "$(gettext "  --holdver        Prevent automatic version bumping for development %ss")\n" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --key <key>      Specify a key to use for %s signing instead of the default")\n" "gpg"
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --nocheck        Do not run the %s function in the %s")\n" "check()" "$BUILDSCRIPT"
 	printf -- "$(gettext "  --nosign         Do not create a signature for the package")\n"
@@ -2014,11 +1899,11 @@ ARGLIST=("$@")
 # Parse Command Line Options.
-OPT_LONG=('allsource' 'asroot' 'ignorearch' 'check' 'clean' 'nodeps'
-          'noextract' 'force' 'forcever:' 'geninteg' 'help' 'holdver' 'skippgpcheck'
-          'install' 'key:' 'log' 'nocolor' 'nobuild' 'nocheck' 'nosign' 'pkg:' 'rmdeps'
-          'repackage' 'skipchecksums' 'skipinteg' 'skippgpcheck' 'sign' 'source' 'syncdeps'
-          'version' 'config:')
+OPT_LONG=('allsource' 'asroot' 'check' 'clean' 'config:' 'force' 'geninteg'
+          'help' 'ignorearch' 'install' 'key:' 'log' 'nobuild' 'nocolor'
+          'nocheck' 'nodeps' 'noextract' 'nosign' 'pkg:' 'repackage' 'rmdeps'
+          'skipchecksums' 'skipinteg' 'skippgpcheck' 'skippgpcheck' 'sign'
+          'source' 'syncdeps' 'version')
 # Pacman Options
 OPT_LONG+=('noconfirm' 'noprogressbar')
@@ -2045,11 +1930,8 @@ while true; do
 		-d|--nodeps)      NODEPS=1 ;;
 		-e|--noextract)   NOEXTRACT=1 ;;
 		-f|--force)       FORCE=1 ;;
-		#hidden opt used by fakeroot call for svn/cvs/etc PKGBUILDs to set pkgver
-		--forcever)       shift; FORCE_VER=$1;;
 		-F)               INFAKEROOT=1 ;;
 		-g|--geninteg)    GENINTEG=1 ;;
-		--holdver)        HOLDVER=1 ;;
 		-i|--install)     INSTALL=1 ;;
 		--key)            shift; GPGKEY=$1 ;;
 		-L|--log)         LOGGING=1 ;;
@@ -2183,12 +2065,6 @@ SRCEXT=${_SRCEXT:-$SRCEXT}
-if (( HOLDVER )) && [[ -n $FORCE_VER ]]; then
-	# The '\\0' is here to prevent gettext from thinking --holdver is an option
-	error "$(gettext "\\0%s and %s cannot both be specified" )" "--holdver" "--forcever"
-	exit 1
 if (( ! INFAKEROOT )); then
 	if (( EUID == 0 && ! ASROOT )); then
 		# Warn those who like to live dangerously.
@@ -2268,13 +2144,6 @@ check_sanity || exit 1
 # check we have the software required to process the PKGBUILD
 check_software || exit 1
-# We need to run devel_update regardless of whether we are in the fakeroot
-# build process so that if the user runs makepkg --forcever manually, we
-# 1) output the correct pkgver, and 2) use the correct filename when
-# checking if the package file already exists - fixes FS #9194
 if (( ${#pkgname[@]} > 1 )); then
@@ -2509,7 +2378,6 @@ else
 	# if we are root or if fakeroot is not enabled, then we don't use it
 	if ! check_buildenv "fakeroot" "y" || (( EUID == 0 )); then
 		if (( ! REPKG )); then
-			devel_update
 			(( BUILDFUNC )) && run_build
 			(( CHECKFUNC )) && run_check
@@ -2531,7 +2399,6 @@ else
 		if (( ! REPKG && ( PKGFUNC || SPLITPKG ) )); then
-			devel_update
 			(( BUILDFUNC )) && run_build
 			(( CHECKFUNC )) && run_check
 			cd_safe "$startdir"

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