[pacman-dev] [PATCH 08/11] makepkg: modify get_filename to handle VCS sources

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Jun 26 18:58:14 EDT 2012

Modify get_filename to return the name of the folder with VCS sources.
This fixes output issues in checksum checking.

Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
 scripts/makepkg.sh.in | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
index f8d46f1..6884272 100644
--- a/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
+++ b/scripts/makepkg.sh.in
@@ -210,10 +210,28 @@ get_filepath() {
 # extract the filename from a source entry
 get_filename() {
+	local netfile=$1
 	# if a filename is specified, use it
-	local filename="${1%%::*}"
-	# if it is just an URL, we only keep the last component
-	printf "%s\n" "${filename##*/}"
+	if [[ $netfile = *::* ]]; then
+		printf "%s\n" ${netfile%%::*}
+		return
+	fi
+	local proto=$(get_protocol "$netfile")
+	case $proto in
+		git*)
+			filename=${netfile##*/}
+			filename=${filename%%#*}
+			filename=${filename%%.git*}
+			;;
+		*)
+			# if it is just an URL, we only keep the last component
+			filename="${netfile##*/}"
+			;;
+	esac
+	printf "%s\n" "${filename}"
 # extract the URL from a source entry
@@ -349,15 +367,12 @@ download_git() {
 		unset fragment
-	local folder=${netfile%%::*}
+	local folder=$(get_filename "$netfile")
 	local repo=${netfile##*/}
-	if [[ $folder = "$netfile" ]]; then
-		folder="${repo}"
-	fi
 	if [[ ! -d "$startdir"/$folder && -d "$SRCDEST"/$folder ]]; then

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