[pacman-dev] [PATCH v2 6/6] pacsearch: pattern arguments work as for pacman

Pierre Neidhardt ambrevar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 18:16:52 EST 2014

Previously only one pattern was allowed.

  $ pacsearch foo bar
Search for packages containing 'foo bar'.

  $ pacman -Ss foo bar
Search for packages containing both 'foo' and 'bar'.

Note that removing the quotes from the call was not enough since
  $ pacsearch 'foo|bar'
would then fail.

Signed-off-by: Pierre Neidhardt <ambrevar at gmail.com>
 contrib/pacsearch.in | 34 +++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/pacsearch.in b/contrib/pacsearch.in
index 2fde52f..f8ebfbd 100644
--- a/contrib/pacsearch.in
+++ b/contrib/pacsearch.in
@@ -92,24 +92,18 @@ sub print_pkg {
 		print "$MAGENTA";
 	print "$v[0]/$RESET$BOLD$v[1] $GREEN$v[2]$BLUE$v[3]$CYAN$v[4]$RESET\n";
-	print "$v[5]\n";
+	print "$v[5]";
 my %allpkgs = ();
-my $syncout = `pacman -Ss '@ARGV'`;
-# split each sync search entry into its own array entry
-my @syncpkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $syncout);
-# remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
-if ($#syncpkgs >= 0) {
-	chomp($syncpkgs[$#syncpkgs]);
-foreach $_ (@syncpkgs) {
+open (my $syncout, '-|', 'pacman', '-Ss', @ARGV);
+while (<$syncout>) {
 	# We grab the following fields: repo, name, ver, group, installed, and
 	# desc. We grab leading space for 'group' and 'installed' so that we do not
 	# need to test if non-empty when printing.
-	my @pkgfields = /^(.*?)\/(.*?) (.*?)( \(.*?\))?( \[.*\])?\n(.*)$/s;
+	my @pkgfields = /^(.*?)\/(.*?) (.*?)( \(.*?\))?( \[.*\])?$/s;
+	my $desc = <$syncout>;
 	if(not @pkgfields) {
 		# skip any non-matching line and just print it for the user
 		print $_, "\n";
@@ -118,24 +112,20 @@ foreach $_ (@syncpkgs) {
 	# since 'group' and 'installed' are optional, we should fill it in if necessary
 	$pkgfields[3] = "" if not defined $pkgfields[3];
 	$pkgfields[4] = "" if not defined $pkgfields[4];
+	$pkgfields[5] = $desc;
 	# Add each sync pkg by name/ver to a hash table.
 	# Any value is good since we only check for existence.
 	$allpkgs{$pkgfields[1] . $pkgfields[2]} = 1;
+close ($syncout);
-my $queryout = `pacman -Qs '@ARGV'`;
-# split each querysearch entry into its own array entry
-my @querypkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $queryout);
-# remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
-if ($#querypkgs >= 0) {
-	chomp ($querypkgs[$#querypkgs]);
-foreach $_ (@querypkgs) {
+open (my $queryout, '-|', 'pacman', '-Qs', @ARGV);
+while (<$queryout>) {
 	# We grab the same field as before, even the "installed" which is always
 	# empty for local searches. This allows us to reserve a cell in @pkgfields.
-	my @pkgfields = /^(.*?)\/(.*?) (.*?)( \(.*?\))?()?\n(.*)$/s;
+	my @pkgfields = /^(.*?)\/(.*?) (.*?)( \(.*?\))?()?$/s;
+	my $desc = <$queryout>;
 	# skip any non-matching line
 	next if not defined $pkgfields[1];
 	# check if the package was listed in the sync out
@@ -143,8 +133,10 @@ foreach $_ (@querypkgs) {
 		# since 'group' is optional, we should fill it in if necessary
 		$pkgfields[3] = "" if not defined $pkgfields[3];
 		$pkgfields[4] = " [$LC_INSTALLED]";
+		$pkgfields[5] = $desc;
+close ($queryout);
 #vim: set noet:

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