[pacman-dev] [PATCH 0/4] hooks

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sun Jul 5 02:49:22 UTC 2015

On 05/07/15 03:11, Andrew Gregory wrote:
> On 07/05/15 at 12:00am, Allan McRae wrote:
>> Idea: Do we want to add a field that provides suggest text to display
>> while it is running.  I assume pacman will state what hooks it is
>> running and something better than "Running foo.hook..." would be useful.
> As of now, hooks are treated similarly to scriptlets; no output is
> shown unless the hook itself generates it.  I was considering adding
> some sort of message, but hadn't decided on it yet.  If we add one,
> I agree allowing hooks to specify a name/description would be useful.

I definitely think we should have one.  Some of the standard things
hooks will do take time, and from a pacman poin of view I would like a
display message instead of looking like it is hanging.

>>> Unlike pacman.conf multiple values are *not* allowed on a single line.
>> Is there a reason for this?  Are they allowed for Target?
> For simplicity and because the values can technically contain
> whitespace.  Target does not allow multiple values on a single line.



> My tentative plan for providing hooks with the triggering files in the
> future is to allow hooks to specify that file lists should be provided
> to them on stdin.  Having them explicitly request the file list would
> make it easy for us to avoid a significant amount of unnecessary
> overhead if they don't need it.  Providing it to them on stdin would
> avoid the problem of potentially exceeding the maximum command line
> length and prevent the need for complicated substitutions in the Exec
> command.
> If that plan is agreeable to everybody, it can be implemented later
> without disrupting any of the existing implementation so I would like
> to go ahead and get an initial hook implementation merged before
> worrying about file lists.

That is fine to me.   As far as I am concerned, handling info file
database updates is the primary target.  That should be readly done by
passing the file list on stdin.


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