[pacman-dev] [PATCH 3/3] Align titles automatically in information display

Pierre Neidhardt ambrevar at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 15:44:20 UTC 2015

Thanks for all the good tips!

On 15-10-17 09:11:02, Dave Reisner wrote:
> Nit: it'd be more clear to use TITLE_ as a prefix instead of T_.

These constants are used to index the 'titles' variable. Having a TITLE prefix
would make it look like


which I find a bit redundant. It also avoids potential future clashes with
TITLE_MAXLEN and TITLE_COUNT. (I removed the other TITLE_* variables as you

> > +	/* make aligned titles once only */
> > +	static int need_alignment = 1;
> > +	if(need_alignment) {
> > +		need_alignment = 0;
> > +		make_aligned_titles();
> > +	}
> Why not just have make_aligned_titles() return a dummy int value? Then,
> you can:
>   static const int make_aligned_once = make_aligned_titles();

I don't think this would work: static variables are initialized at compile time
if I'm not mistaken.

Pierre Neidhardt

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