[pacman-dev] [PATCH 1/3] bacman: allow for parallel packaging

Gordian Edenhofer gordian.edenhofer at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 18:10:52 UTC 2016

* move the actual assembly process into its own function
* allow for packaging multiple packages with one command
* handle SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM and remove working dirs accordingly
* add some comments

Signed-off-by: Gordian Edenhofer <gordian.edenhofer at gmail.com>
 contrib/bacman.sh.in | 460 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 238 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 contrib/bacman.sh.in

diff --git a/contrib/bacman.sh.in b/contrib/bacman.sh.in
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index a611c1a..4cd78e4
--- a/contrib/bacman.sh.in
+++ b/contrib/bacman.sh.in
@@ -33,9 +33,18 @@ ARGS=("$@")
-# User Friendliness
+# Lazy recursive clean up of temporary dirs
+clean_up() {
+	rm -r "${work_dir_root}".*
+	echo
+	exit
+# Trap termination signals
+# Print usage information
 usage() {
 	echo "${myname} (pacman) v${myver}"
@@ -46,12 +55,14 @@ usage() {
 	echo "Example: ${myname} linux-headers"
+# Print version information
 version() {
 	printf "%s %s\n" "$myname" "$myver"
 	echo 'Copyright (C) 2008 locci <carlocci_at_gmail_dot_com>'
 	echo 'Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev at archlinux.org>'
+# Check for specified arguments
 while [[ ! -z $1 ]]; do
 	if [[ $1 == "--nocolor" ]]; then
@@ -64,13 +75,16 @@ while [[ ! -z $1 ]]; do
+# Configure colored output
-if (( $# != 1 )); then
+# Break if no argument was given
+if (( $# < 1 )); then
 	exit 1
+# Print usage or version if requested
 if [[ $1 = -@(h|-help) ]]; then
 	exit 0
@@ -79,9 +93,7 @@ elif [[ $1 = -@(V|-version) ]]; then
 	exit 0
-# Fakeroot support
+# Run in fakeroot if EUID is not root
 if (( EUID )); then
 	if [[ -f /usr/bin/fakeroot ]]; then
 		msg "Entering fakeroot environment"
@@ -94,264 +106,268 @@ if (( EUID )); then
-# Setting environmental variables
+# Source environmental variables and specify fallbacks
 if [[ ! -r @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf ]]; then
 	error "unable to read @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf"
 	exit 1
 eval $(awk '/DBPath/ {print $1$2$3}' @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf)
 pac_db="${DBPath:- at localstatedir@/lib/pacman/}/local"
 if [[ ! -r @sysconfdir@/makepkg.conf ]]; then
 	error "unable to read @sysconfdir@/makepkg.conf"
 	exit 1
 source "@sysconfdir@/makepkg.conf"
 if [[ -r ~/.makepkg.conf ]]; then
 	source ~/.makepkg.conf
 pkg_pkger=${PACKAGER:-'Unknown Packager'}
-# Checks everything is in place
+# Check for an existing database
 if [[ ! -d $pac_db ]]; then
 	error "pacman database directory ${pac_db} not found"
 	exit 1
-if (( ${#pkg_dir[@]} != 1 )); then
-	error "%d entries for package %s found in pacman database" \
-		${#pkg_dir[@]} "${pkg_name}"
-	msg2 "%s" "${pkg_dir[@]}"
-	exit 1
-if [[ ! -d $pkg_dir ]]; then
-	error "package %s is found in pacman database," "${pkg_name}"
-	plain "       but '%s' is not a directory" "${pkg_dir}"
-	exit 1
-# Begin
-msg "Package: ${pkg_namver}"
-work_dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/bacman.XXXXXXXXXX")
-cd "$work_dir" || exit 1
-# File copying
-msg2 "Copying package files..."
-while read i; do
-	if [[ -z $i ]]; then
-		continue
+# Assemble a single package: $1 = pkgname
+fakebuild() {
+	pkg_name="$1"
+	pkg_dir=("$pac_db/$pkg_name"-+([^-])-+([^-]))
+	pkg_namver=("${pkg_dir[@]##*/}")
+	# Checks database for specified package
+	if (( ${#pkg_dir[@]} != 1 )); then
+		error "%d entries for package %s found in pacman database" \
+			${#pkg_dir[@]} "${pkg_name}"
+		msg2 "%s" "${pkg_dir[@]}"
+		exit 1
-	if [[ $i == %+([A-Z])% ]]; then
-		current=$i
-		continue
+	if [[ ! -d $pkg_dir ]]; then
+		error "package %s is found in pacman database," "${pkg_name}"
+		plain "       but '%s' is not a directory" "${pkg_dir}"
+		exit 1
-	case "$current" in
-		%FILES%)
-			local_file="/$i"
-			package_file="$work_dir/$i"
+	# Create working directory
+	msg "Package: ${pkg_namver}"
+	work_dir=$(mktemp -d "${work_dir_root}.XXXXXXXXXX")
+	cd "$work_dir" || exit 1
-			if [[ ! -e $local_file ]]; then
-				warning "package file $local_file is missing"
-				continue
-			fi
-			;;
-		%BACKUP%)
-			# Get the MD5 checksum.
-			original_md5="${i##*$'\t'}"
-			# Strip the md5sum after the tab.
-			i="${i%$'\t'*}"
-			local_file="/$i.pacnew"
-			package_file="$work_dir/$i"
-			# Include unmodified .pacnew files.
-			local_md5="$(md5sum "$local_file" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
-			if [[ $INCLUDE_PACNEW == 'n' ]] \
-			|| [[ ! -e $local_file ]] \
-			|| [[ $local_md5 != $original_md5 ]]; then
-				# Warn about modified files.
-				local_md5="$(md5sum "/$i" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
-				if [[ $local_md5 != $original_md5 ]]; then
-					warning "package file /$i has been modified"
-				fi
-				# Let the normal file be included in the %FILES% list.
-				continue
-			fi
-			;;
+	# Assemble list of files which belong to the package and tar them
+	msg2 "Copying package files..."
+	while read i; do
+		if [[ -z $i ]]; then
+			continue
+		fi
-		*)
+		if [[ $i == %+([A-Z])% ]]; then
+			current=$i
-			;;
-	esac
+		fi
-	ret=0
-	bsdtar -cnf - -s'/.pacnew$//' "$local_file" 2> /dev/null | bsdtar -xpf - 2> /dev/null
+		case "$current" in
+			%FILES%)
+				local_file="/$i"
+				package_file="$work_dir/$i"
+				if [[ ! -e $local_file ]]; then
+					warning "package file $local_file is missing"
+					continue
+				fi
+				;;
+			%BACKUP%)
+				# Get the MD5 checksum.
+				original_md5="${i##*$'\t'}"
+				# Strip the md5sum after the tab.
+				i="${i%$'\t'*}"
+				local_file="/$i.pacnew"
+				package_file="$work_dir/$i"
+				# Include unmodified .pacnew files.
+				local_md5="$(md5sum "$local_file" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+				if [[ $INCLUDE_PACNEW == 'n' ]] \
+				|| [[ ! -e $local_file ]] \
+				|| [[ $local_md5 != $original_md5 ]]; then
+					# Warn about modified files.
+					local_md5="$(md5sum "/$i" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+					if [[ $local_md5 != $original_md5 ]]; then
+						warning "package file /$i has been modified"
+					fi
+					# Let the normal file be included in the %FILES% list.
+					continue
+				fi
+				;;
-	# Workaround to bsdtar not reporting a missing file as an error
-	if ! [[ -e $package_file || -L $package_file ]]; then
-		error "unable to add $local_file to the package"
-		plain "       If your user does not have permission to read this file, then"
-		plain "       you will need to run $myname as root."
+			*)
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+		# Tar files
+		ret=0
+		bsdtar -cnf - -s'/.pacnew$//' "$local_file" 2> /dev/null | bsdtar -xpf - 2> /dev/null
+		# Workaround to bsdtar not reporting a missing file as an error
+		if ! [[ -e $package_file || -L $package_file ]]; then
+			error "unable to add $local_file to the package"
+			plain "       If your user does not have permission to read this file, then"
+			plain "       you will need to run $myname as root."
+			rm -rf "$work_dir"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+	done < "$pkg_dir"/files
+	ret=$?
+	if (( ret )); then
 		rm -rf "$work_dir"
 		exit 1
-done < "$pkg_dir"/files
-if (( ret )); then
-	rm -rf "$work_dir"
-	exit 1
+	# Calculate package size
+	pkg_size=$(du -sk | awk '{print $1 * 1024}')
-pkg_size=$(du -sk | awk '{print $1 * 1024}')
-# .PKGINFO stuff
-# TODO adopt makepkg's write_pkginfo() into this or scripts/library
-msg2 "Generating .PKGINFO metadata..."
-echo "# Generated by $myname $myver"    > .PKGINFO
-if [[ $INFAKEROOT == "1" ]]; then
-	echo "# Using $(fakeroot -v)"    >> .PKGINFO
-echo "# $(LC_ALL=C date)"            >> .PKGINFO
-echo "#"                    >> .PKGINFO
-while read i; do
-	if [[ -z $i ]]; then
-		continue;
+	# Reconstruct .PKGINFO from database
+	# TODO adopt makepkg's write_pkginfo() into this or scripts/library
+	msg2 "Generating .PKGINFO metadata..."
+	echo "# Generated by $myname $myver"    > .PKGINFO
+	if [[ $INFAKEROOT == "1" ]]; then
+		echo "# Using $(fakeroot -v)"    >> .PKGINFO
-	if [[ $i == %+([A-Z])% ]]; then
-		current=$i
-		continue
+	echo "# $(LC_ALL=C date)"    >> .PKGINFO
+	echo "#"    >> .PKGINFO
+	while read i; do
+		if [[ -z $i ]]; then
+			continue;
+		fi
+		if [[ $i == %+([A-Z])% ]]; then
+			current=$i
+			continue
+		fi
+		case "$current" in
+			# desc
+			%NAME%)
+				echo "pkgname = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%VERSION%)
+				echo "pkgver = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%DESC%)
+				echo "pkgdesc = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%URL%)
+				echo "url = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%LICENSE%)
+				echo "license = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%ARCH%)
+				echo "arch = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				pkg_arch="$i"
+				;;
+				echo "builddate = $(date -u "+%s")"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+				echo "packager = $pkg_pkger"        >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%SIZE%)
+				echo "size = $pkg_size"        >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%GROUPS%)
+				echo "group = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+				echo "replaces = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%DEPENDS%)
+				echo "depend = $i"   >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+				echo "optdepend = $i" >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+				echo "conflict = $i" >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+				echo "provides = $i"  >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+			%BACKUP%)
+				# Strip the md5sum after the tab
+				echo "backup = ${i%%$'\t'*}"   >> .PKGINFO
+				;;
+		esac
+	done < <(cat "$pkg_dir"/{desc,files})
+	comp_files=".PKGINFO"
+	# Add instal file if present
+	if [[ -f $pkg_dir/install ]]; then
+		cp "$pkg_dir/install" "$work_dir/.INSTALL"
+		comp_files+=" .INSTALL"
+	fi
+	if [[ -f $pkg_dir/changelog ]]; then
+		cp "$pkg_dir/changelog" "$work_dir/.CHANGELOG"
+		comp_files+=" .CHANGELOG"
-	case "$current" in
-		# desc
-		%NAME%)
-			echo "pkgname = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "pkgver = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		%DESC%)
-			echo "pkgdesc = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		%URL%)
-			echo "url = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "license = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		%ARCH%)
-			echo "arch = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			pkg_arch="$i"
-			;;
-			echo "builddate = $(date -u "+%s")"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "packager = $pkg_pkger"        >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		%SIZE%)
-			echo "size = $pkg_size"        >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		%GROUPS%)
-			echo "group = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "replaces = $i"    >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "depend = $i"   >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "optdepend = $i" >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "conflict = $i" >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-			echo "provides = $i"  >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-		# files
-		%BACKUP%)
-			# Strip the md5sum after the tab
-			echo "backup = ${i%%$'\t'*}"   >> .PKGINFO
-			;;
-	esac
-done < <(cat "$pkg_dir"/{desc,files})
-if [[ -f $pkg_dir/install ]]; then
-	cp "$pkg_dir/install" "$work_dir/.INSTALL"
-	comp_files+=" .INSTALL"
-if [[ -f $pkg_dir/changelog ]]; then
-	cp "$pkg_dir/changelog" "$work_dir/.CHANGELOG"
-	comp_files+=" .CHANGELOG"
+	# Fixes owner:group and permissions for .PKGINFO, .CHANGELOG, .INSTALL
+	chown root:root "$work_dir"/{.PKGINFO,.CHANGELOG,.INSTALL} 2> /dev/null
+	chmod 644 "$work_dir"/{.PKGINFO,.CHANGELOG,.INSTALL} 2> /dev/null
-# Fixes owner:group and permissions for .PKGINFO, .CHANGELOG, .INSTALL
-chown root:root "$work_dir"/{.PKGINFO,.CHANGELOG,.INSTALL} 2> /dev/null
-chmod 644 "$work_dir"/{.PKGINFO,.CHANGELOG,.INSTALL} 2> /dev/null
+	# Generate the package
+	msg2 "Generating the package..."
-# Generate the package
-msg2 "Generating the package..."
-# TODO: Maybe this can be set globally for robustness
-shopt -s -o pipefail
-bsdtar -cf - $comp_files * |
-case "$PKGEXT" in
-	*tar.gz)  gzip -c -f -n ;;
-	*tar.bz2) bzip2 -c -f ;;
-	*tar.xz)  xz -c -z - ;;
-	*tar.Z)   compress -c -f ;;
-	*tar)     cat ;;
-	*) warning "'%s' is not a valid archive extension." \
-	"$PKGEXT"; cat ;;
-esac > "${pkg_file}"; ret=$?
-if (( ret )); then
-	error "Unable to write package to $pkg_dest"
-	plain "       Maybe the disk is full or you do not have write access"
+	pkg_file="$pkg_dest/$pkg_namver-$pkg_arch${PKGEXT}"
+	ret=0
+	# TODO: Maybe this can be set globally for robustness
+	shopt -s -o pipefail
+	bsdtar -cf - $comp_files * |
+	case "$PKGEXT" in
+		*tar.gz)  gzip -c -f -n ;;
+		*tar.bz2) bzip2 -c -f ;;
+		*tar.xz)  xz -c -z - ;;
+		*tar.Z)   compress -c -f ;;
+		*tar)     cat ;;
+		*) warning "'%s' is not a valid archive extension." \
+		"$PKGEXT"; cat ;;
+	esac > "${pkg_file}"; ret=$?
+	# Move compressed package to destination
+	if (( ret )); then
+		error "Unable to write package to $pkg_dest"
+		plain "       Maybe the disk is full or you do not have write access"
+		rm -rf "$work_dir"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	# Clean up working directory
 	rm -rf "$work_dir"
-	exit 1
+	msg "Done."
-rm -rf "$work_dir"
+# Run fakebuild in parralel with at maximum $MAX_JOBS jobs
+# By default only run one job
+parallelize() {
+	while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
+		job_count=($(jobs -p))
+		if [[ ${#job_count[@]} -lt $MAX_JOBS ]] ; then
+			fakebuild "$1" &
+			shift
+		fi
+	done
+	wait
-msg "Done."
+# Initiate assembly function
+if [[ $MAX_JOBS -gt "1" ]]; then
+	parallelize "$@"
+	for PKG in $@; do fakebuild $PKG; done
 exit 0

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