[pacman-dev] [PATCH v3 7/8] bacman: add option to specify the number of jobs

Gordian Edenhofer gordian.edenhofer at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 21:05:38 UTC 2016

Signed-off-by: Gordian Edenhofer <gordian.edenhofer at gmail.com>
 contrib/bacman.sh.in | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/bacman.sh.in b/contrib/bacman.sh.in
index 706c6fb..e8e53ea 100644
--- a/contrib/bacman.sh.in
+++ b/contrib/bacman.sh.in
@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ usage() {
 	    -q, --quiet             silence most of the status reporting
 	    --nocolor               turn off color in output
 	    --pacnew                package .pacnew files
+	    -j, --jobs <jobs>       build in parallel - you may want to set XZ_OPT
 	    -o, --out  <dir>        write output to <dir>
 	Examples:   # $myname linux-headers
 	            # $myname gzip munge binutils -o ~/Downloads
-	            # $myname --nocolor --pacnew -o /tmp gzip munge binutils
+	            # $myname --nocolor --pacnew -o /tmp -j 5 gzip munge binutils
 	            # $myname \$(pacman -Qsq)
@@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ for option in "$@"; do
 # Parse arguments
-OPT_LONG=('out:' 'quiet' 'nocolor' 'pacnew' 'version')
+OPT_LONG=('out:' 'jobs:' 'quiet' 'nocolor' 'pacnew' 'version')
 if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then
 	exit 1
@@ -104,6 +105,14 @@ while :; do
 			pkg_dest="$(readlink -e $2)"
 			[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "The directory \e[39;1m$2\e[0m does not exist!" && exit 3
 			shift ;;
+		-j|--jobs)
+			if [[ $2 =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+				MAX_JOBS=$2
+			else
+				echo -e "\e[39;1m$2\e[0m is not a valid integer!"
+				exit -1
+			fi
+			shift ;;
 			QUIET='y' ;;
@@ -190,7 +199,9 @@ fakebuild() {
 	cd "$work_dir" || exit 1
 	# Assemble list of files which belong to the package and tar them
-	if [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+	if [[ $MAX_JOBS -gt 1 && "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+		msg2 "${pkg_name}: Copying package files..."
+	elif [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
 		msg2 "Copying package files..."
@@ -267,7 +278,9 @@ fakebuild() {
 	# Reconstruct .PKGINFO from database
 	# TODO adopt makepkg's write_pkginfo() into this or scripts/library
-	if [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+	if [[ $MAX_JOBS -gt 1 && "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+		msg2 "${pkg_name}: Generating .PKGINFO metadata..."
+	elif [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
 		msg2 "Generating .PKGINFO metadata..."
 	echo "# Generated by $myname $myver"    > .PKGINFO
@@ -357,7 +370,9 @@ fakebuild() {
 	chmod 644 "$work_dir"/{.PKGINFO,.CHANGELOG,.INSTALL} 2> /dev/null
 	# Generate the package
-	if [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+	if [[ $MAX_JOBS -gt 1 && "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
+		msg2 "${pkg_name}: Generating the package..."
+	elif [[ "$QUIET" != "y" ]]; then
 		msg2 "Generating the package..."

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